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Pocket Monsters Card Game: Sandstorm (Miracle of the Desert) card set
Japanese Pokemon:
Miracle of the Desert

Trading Cards

Release date: Japanese: April 18, 2003

All cards are near mint condition

Holofoil Cards
003 Shiftry $7.56
007 Cacturn $12.56
008 Seviper $14.56
010 Cradily sold out
013 Typhlosion ex sold out
020 Ludicolo sold out
021 Wailord ex sold out
023 Raichu ex sold out
028 Gardevoir ex sold out
029 Lunatone sold out
031 Dusclops sold out
036 Solrock $15.56
039 Armaldo sold out
042 Zangoose $13.56
044 Sableye $13.56
046 Aggron ex sold out
Rare Cards
004 Volbeat sold out
005 Illumise sold out
012 Quilava sold out
015 Golduck sold out
017 Azumarill sold out
019 Lombre sold out
024 Pichui sold out
026 Xatu sold out
027 Wobbuffet sold out
034 Sandslash sold out
038 Anorith sold out
043 Kecleon sold out
053 Multi Energy sold out
Uncommon Cards
002 Nuzleaf sold out
006 Cacnea sold out
009 Lileep sold out
030 Duskull sold out
032 Wynaut sold out
037 Baltoy sold out
041 Azurill sold out
049 Double Full Heal sold out
050 Rare Candy sold out
051 Lanette's Net Search sold out
052 Wally's Training sold out
Common Cards
001 Seedot sold out
011 Cyndquil sold out
014 Psyduck sold out
016 Marill sold out
018 Lotad sold out
022 Pikachu sold out
025 Natu sold out
033 Sandshrew sold out
035 Trapinch sold out
040 Zigzagzoon sold out
047 Claw Fossil sold out
048 Root Fossil sold out

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Updated 02/13/2025

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