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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Paradox Rift trading card singles
Japanese VS
Trading Cards
Release date: July 19, 2001

Pokemon VS (Japanese: ポケモンカード★VS Pokemon Card★VS) is the only main expansion of cards from the VS Era of the Pokemon Card Game in Japan.
It does not have a main expansion as an English equivalent

001 Falkner's Pidgeot-Common
002 Falkner's Fearow-Common $6.99
003 Falkner's Farfetch'd-
004 Falkner's Dodrio-Common
005 Falkner's Togetic-Common
006 Falkner's Delibird-Common
007 Falkner's Skarmory-Rare Holo
008 Bugsy's Butterfree-Common
009 Bugsy's Beedrill-Common
010 Bugsy's Pinsir-Common
011 Bugsy's Ledian-Common
012 Bugsy's Yanma-Common
013 Bugsy's Scizor-Rare Holo
014 Whitney's Clefable-Common
015 Whitney's Wigglytuff-Common
016 Whitney's Persian-Common
017 Whitney's Lickitung-Common
018 Whitney's Furret-Common
019 Whitney's Miltank-Common
020 Morty's Ninetales-Common
021 Morty's Gengar-Common
022 Morty's Hypno-Rare
023 Morty's Marowak-Common
024 Morty's Noctowl-Common
025 Morty's Murkrow-Rare Holo
026 Morty's Misdreavus-Common
027 Jasmine's Raichu-Common
028 Jasmine's Magneton-Common
029 Jasmine's Electabuzz-Common
030 Jasmine's Jolteon-Common
031 Jasmine's Ampharos-Common
032 Jasmine's Steelix-Rare Holo
033 Chuck's Primeape-Common
034 Chuck's Poliwrath-Common
035 Chuck's Rhydon-Common
036 Chuck's Tauros-Common
037 Chuck's Granbull-Common
038 Chuck's Donphan-Common
039 Pryce's Dewgong-Common
040 Pryce's Cloyster-Rare
041 Pryce's Lapras-Common
042 Pryce's Articuno-Common
043 Pryce's Sneasel-Rare Holo
044 Pryce's Piloswine-Common
045 Pryce's Delibird-Common
046 Clair's Blastoise-Common
047 Clair's Jynx-Common
048 Clair's Gyarados-Common
049 Clair's Dragonite-Common
050 Clair's Politoed-Common
051 Clair's Mantine-Common
052 Clair's Kingdra-Common
053 Lt. Surge's Raichu-Common
054 Veluza-Common
055 Sabrina's Xatu-Common
056 Sabrina's Espeon-Common
057 Misty's Lapras-Common $16.36
058 Misty's Quagsire-Common
059 Erika's Bellossom-Common
060 Erika's Jumpluff-Common
061 Janine's Beedrill-Common
062 Janine's Arbok-Common
063 Janine's Venomoth-Common
064 Janine's Weezing-Common
065 Janine's Ariados-Common
066 Janine's Crobat-Rare
067 Janine's Shuckle-Common
068 Brock's Omastar-Common
069 Brock's Kabutops-Common
070 Blaine's Typhlosion-Common
071 Blaine's Magcargo-Common
072 Will's Slowbro-Common
073 Will's Exeggutor-Common
074 Will's Jynx-Common
075 Will's Xatu-Common
076 Will's Espeon-Common
077 Will's Slowking-Common
078 Will's Girafarig-Common
079 Koga's Crobat-Common
080 Koga's Forretress-Common
081 Bruno's Machamp-Common
082 Bruno's Hitmonlee-Common
083 Bruno's Hitmonchan-Common
084 Bruno's Steelix-Rare Holo
085 Bruno's Ursaring-Common
086 Bruno's Hitmontop-Common
087 Karen's Rapidash-Common
088 Karen's Magmar-Common
089 Karen's Flareon-Common
090 Karen's Tyranitar-Rare Holo
091 Karen's Umbreon-Rare Holo
092 Karen's Houndoom-Common
093 Rocket's Wobbuffet-Rare Holo
094 Rocket's Raikou-Rare Holo
095 Rocket's Entei-Rare Holo
096 Rocket's Suicune-Rare Holo
097 Lance's Charizard-Common
098 Lance's Gyarados-Common $23.99
099 Lance's Aerodactyl-Common
100 Lance's Dragonite-Common
101 Lance's Ampharos-Common
102 Lance's Kingdra-Uncommon
103 Falkner's TM 01-Uncommon
104 Falkner's TM 02-Uncommon
105 Bugsy's TM 01-Uncommon
106 Bugsy's TM 02-Uncommon
107 Whitney's TM 01-Uncommon
108 Whitney's TM 02-Uncommon
109 Morty's TM 01-Uncommon
110 Morty's TM 02-Uncommon
111 Jasmine's TM 01-Uncommon
112 Jasmine's TM 02-Uncommon
113 Chuck's TM 01-Uncommon
114 Chuck's TM 02-Uncommon
115 Pryce's TM 01-Uncommon
116 Pryce's TM 02-Uncommon
117 Clair's TM 01-Uncommon
118 Clair's TM 02-Uncommon
119 Janine's TM 01-Uncommon
120 Janine's TM 02-Uncommon
121 Will's TM 01-Uncommon
122 Will's TM 02-Uncommon
123 Bruno's TM 01-Uncommon
124 Bruno's TM 02-Uncommon
125 Karen's TM 01-Uncommon
126 Karen's TM 02-Uncommon $5.789
127 Rocket's TM 01-Uncommon-    
128 Lance's TM 01-Uncommon
129 Lance's TM 02-Uncommon
130 Potion-Common- $3.99
131 Moo-Moo Milk-Common
132 Full Heal-Common $1.99
133 Pokemon Reverse-Common
134 Switch-Common
135 Warp Point-Common
136 Super Scoop Up-Common
137 Energy Flow-Common- $2.99
138 Energy Charge-Common
139 Energy Ark-Common
140 Energy Restore-Common
141 Master Ball-Common
142 Rocket's Tyranitar-Rare Holo
Grass Energy-
Fire Energy-
Water Energy-
Lightning Energy-
Psychic Energy-
Fighting Energy-
Darkness Energy-
Metal Energy-
Rainbow Energy-

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Updated 02/13/2025

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