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Pocket Monsters Card Game: Neo 4 (Destiny) card set
Pocket Monsters:

Neo Destiny
(Neo 4)
Trading Cards
Release Date: Japanese: March 9, 2001

All cards are light play/near mint

Holofoil Cards
181.Dark Ampharos sold out
169. Dark Crobat sold out
232.Dark Donphan sold out
196.Dark Espeon sold out
160.Dark Feraligatr sold out
094.Dark Gengar sold out
229. Dark Houndoom sold out
233.Dark Porygon2 sold out
212.Dark Scizor sold out
157.Dark Typhlosion sold out
248.Dark Tyranitar sold out
059.Gentle Arcanine sold out
184.Gentle Azumarill sold out
184.Gentle Dragonite sold out
176.Gentle Togetic sold out
Miracle Energy sold out
251.Shiny Celebi sold out
006.Shiny Charizard sold out
141.Shiny Kabutops sold out
150.Shiny Mewtwo sold out
164.Shiny Noctowl sold out
026.Shiny Raichu sold out
208.Shiny Steelix sold out
248.Shiny Tyranitar sold out
Rare Cards
168.Dark Ariados $0.99
219.Dark Magcargo

sold out
139.Dark Omastar sold out

199.Dark Slowking

sold out
217.Dark Ursaring sold out
148.Gentle Dragonair sold out
171.Gentle Lanturn sold out
166.Gentle Ledian sold out
068.Gentle Machamp sold out
221.Gentle Piloswine sold out
201.Unown (Give) sold out
201.Unown (Help) $2.59
201.Unown (Want) sold out
201.Unown (X) sold out
Broken Ground Gym $0.99
EXP ALL $0.99
Imposter Professor Oak's Invention sold out
Radio Tower sold out
Thought Wave Machine $0.99
Uncommon Cards
113.Chansey sold out
159.Dark Croconaw sold out
103.Dark Exeggcutor sold out
180.Dark Flaaffy sold out
205.Dark Forretress $0.49
093.Dark Haunter sold out
139.Dark Omastar sold out
247.Dark Pupitar sold out
159.Dark Quilava sold out
040.Dark Wigglytuff-HP60 sold out
214.Heracross $0.49
106.Hitmonlee sold out
228.Houndour sold out
039.Jigglypuff $0.49
087.Gentle Dewgong sold out
136.Gentle Flareon sold out
055.Gentle Golduck sold out
135.Gentle Jolteon sold out
067.Gentle Machoke sold out
038.Gentle Ninetales sold out
080.Gentle Slowbro sold out
134.Gentle Vaporeon sold out
049.Gentle Venomoth sold out
040.Gentle Wigglytuff-HP80 sold out
123.Scyther $0.99
201.Unown (Chase) sold out
201.Unown (Perform) sold out
201.Unown (Zoom) sold out
201.Unown (Quicken) sold out
Claw Glove sold out
Energy Machine $0.49
Energy Stadium sold out
Imakuni Lucky Stadium sold out
Goldbat Ring sold out
Rydon Trainer sold out
Trainer/Team Rocket $0.49
Common Cards
155.Cyndaquil $0.36
147.Dratini sold out
102.Exeggcute $0.36
092.Gastly $0.36
203.Girafarig sold out
207.Gligar $0.36
058.Growlithe sold out
107.Hitmonchan sold out
039.Jigglypuff $0.36
246.Larvitar sold out
165.Ledyba $0.36
192.Kimawari (Sunflora) sold out
066.Machop $0.36
226.Mantine $0.36
179.Mareep $0.36
224.Octillery sold out
231.Phanpy $0.36
204.Pineco $0.36
137.Porygon sold out
054.Psyduck sold out
223.Remoraid $0.36
086.Seel $0.36
218.Slugma $0.36
191.Sunkern $0.36
220.Swinub $0.36
175.Togepi sold out
158.Totodile $0.36
201.Unown (Laugh) sold out
201.Unown (Search) sold out
201.Unown (Tell) sold out
201.Unown (Vanish sold out
048.Venonat $0.36
037.Vulpix sold out
Bill's Computer $0.36
Healing Powder $0.36

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Updated 02/13/2025

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