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Pocket Monsters Card Game: Legendary Shine Collection card set
Japanese Pokemon:
1st Edition
XY7 Legendary Shine Collection
Trading Cards
Release date: Japanese: July 17, 2015
The cards in this mini-set are based on the Pokemons that appear in the
XY movie: The Arhdjinni of the Rings: Hoopa

All cards are near mint condition

Holofoil Cards
002 Reshiram sold out
005 Palkia sold out
008 Pikachu EX sold out
009 Zekrom $19.99
012 Hoopa EX-1st Edition $13.27
017 Dialga $39.99
018 Latias sold out
019 Latios sold out
020 Black Kyurem $36.99
021 White Kyurem $36.99
023 Regigigas $11.99
024 Arceus sold out
Common Cards
004 Braixen sold out
007 Frogadier sold out
026 Braviary sold out

Foil Common Cards

001 Chespin sold out
003 Fennekin sold out
006 Froakie sold out
010 Dedenne sold out
011 Wobbufett sold out
013 Hippopotas sold out
014 Pancham sold out
015 Hawluca sold out
016 Inkay sold out
022 Meowth sold out
025 Rufflet sold out
027 Noibat sold out

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Updated 02/13/2025

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