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Pocket Monsters Card Game: Gym 1 (Gym Heroes) card set
Pocket Monsters:

Trading Cards

Release date: Japanese: March 5, 1997

All cards are near mint condition

Holofoil Cards

sold out

101.Electrode sold out
136.Flareon sold out
135.Jolteon sold out
115.Kangaskhan sold out
122.Mr. Mime sold out
031.Nidoqueen $10.69
018.Pidgeot sold out
127.Pinsir sold out
123.Scyther sold out
143.Snorlax sold out
134.Vaporeon sold out
049.Venomoth sold out


sold out
045.Vileplume $11.99
040.Wigglytuff sold out
Uncommon Cards
012.Butturfree sold out
085.Dodrio sold out
103 Exeggutor $1.69
022.Fearow sold out
044.Gloom $2.69
108.Lickitung $2.69
105.Marowak sold out
030.Nidorina $4.79
047 Parasect $1.69
053 Persian $2.19
057.Primeape $1.69
078.Rapidash $1.99
112.Rhydon sold out
119 Seaking $2.69
128 Tauros $1.69
070.Weepinbell sold out
Common Cards
069.Bellsprout $1.69
104 Cubone $2.69
133.Eevee sold out
102 Exeggcute $1.69
118.Goldeen $1.69
039.Jigglypuff $3.69
056 Mankey sold out
057.Mankey $1.69
052 Meowth $1.79
029.Nidoran $1.69
043 Oddish $1.69
046 Paras $1.56
025 Pikachu   sold out
111 Rhyhorn $1.99
021 Spearow $1.69
048 Venonat $2.69
Poke Ball $1.99
Pokemon Breeder Couple sold out

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Updated 02/13/2025

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