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Pocket Monsters Card Game: Fossil card set
Pocket Monsters:

Expansion Set (Series 3)

Release date: Japanese: March 5, 1997

There are no "1st Edition" Japanese cards.
All cards are considered to be "unlimited" print run.

All cards are near mint condition

Holofoil Cards

sold out

144.Articuno sold out
132.Ditto sold out
149.Dragonite sold out
094 Gengar sold out
093 Haunter   sold out
106.Hitmonlee sold out
097.Hypno sold out
141.Kabutops sold out
131.Lapras sold out
082.Magneton sold out
151.Mew sold out
146.Moltres sold out
089.Muk sold out
026 Raichu sold out
145.Zapdos sold out
Uncommon Cards
024.Arbok sold out
091 Cloyster $1.56
092 Gastly $1.69
042.Golbat $1.56
055.Golduck $1.56
076.Golem sold out
075 Graveller $2.29
099.Kingler sold out
126.Magmar $1.56
139.Omastar $2.56
028.Sandslash sold out
117.Seadra $3.56
080.Slowbro $1.39
073 Tentacruel $1.69
110.Weezing $1.39
Mr.Fuji sold out
Common Cards
023.Ekans $1.89
074.Geodude $1.56
088.Grimer $1.56
116 Horsea $1.89
140 Kabuto $1.98
098 Krabby $1.79
138 Omanyte $1.56
054 Psyduck $1.89
090 Shellder $1.56
079 Slowpoke $1.56
072 Tentacool $1.56
041.Zubat $1.56
Energy Search $1.56
Gambler $1.89
Recycle $1.56
Mysterious Fossil $1.89

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Updated 02/13/2025

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