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Pocket Monsters Card Game: Coolection X card set
Japanese Pokemon:
1st Edition
Delta Species
Holon Research Tower

Trading Cards

Release date Japanese: October 28, 2005

All cards are near mint condition

Holofoil Cards
010 Beedrill δ= $11.99
011 Crobat δ sold out
018 Flareon δ sold out
019 Mewtwo δ   sold out
020 Tyranitar δ sold out
021 Salamence δ sold out
028 Kyogre Star sold out
029 Starmie δ= $11.99
030 Vaporeon δ   sold out
032 Holon's Electrode sold out
038 Jolteon δ sold out
039 Dragonite δ   sold out
040 Metagross δ sold out
041 Latias δ sold out
042 Latios δ sold out
043 Rayquaza δ   sold out
049 Espeon δ sold out
050 Gardevoir δ   sold out
056 Groudon Star sold out
057 Sandslash= $8.99
058 Marowak δ sold out
069 Umbreon δ   sold out
070 Mightyena δ= $12.99
072 Holon's Magneton= $13.99
075 Metagross Star sold out
Rare Cards
006 Weezing sold out
007 Ditto sold out
008 Volbeat sold out
009 Illumise sold out
012 Ditto sold out
015 Sunny Castform sold out
024 Ditto sold out
025 Slowking sold out
026 Rain Castform sold out
027 Snow-cloud Castform sold out
033 Ditto sold out
038 Zozoark sold out
045 Hypno sold out
046 Ditto sold out
053 Ditto sold out
055 Hariyama sold out
060 Persian sold out
061 Ditto sold out
063 Porygon2 sold out
065 Swellow sold out
067 Castform sold out
Uncommon Cards
014 Pupitar δ sold out
017 Shelgonδ
031 Holon's Voltorb
035 Dragonair δ
037 Metang δ
036 Krookoile  
037 Metangδ
066 Azurill
073 Eevee δ  
074 Skarmory
076 Holon Transceiver
077 Holon Scientist
078 Holon Researcher
079 Holon Mentor
080 Holon Farmer
081 Holon Lass
082 Holon Research Tower $2.99
083 Holon Ruins $4.99
084 Holon Energy GL $4.99
085 Holon Energy FF $2.99
086 Holon Energy WP $3.99
Common Cards
001 Weedle
002 Kakuna
003 Zubat
004 Golbat
005 Koffing
013 Larvitar δ
016 Bagonδ
022 Slowpoke
023 Staryu
034 Dratiniδ
036 Beldumδ
044 Drowzee
047 Ralts
048 Kirlia
051 Sandshrew
052 Cubone
054 Makuhita
059 Meowth
062 Porygon
064 Taillow
068 Poochyena

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Updated 02/13/2025

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