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Japanese Pokemon Card Game: HeartGold Collection card set
Japanese Pokemon:
1st Edition
HeartGold Collection L1
Trading Cards
Release date: Japanese: October 9, 2009

Holofoil Cards
008 Jumpluff $13.75
011 Shuckle sold out
014 Arcanine sold out
015 Ho-Oh Legend sold out
016 Ho-Oh Legend sold out
025 Feraligatr sold out
029 Octillery sold out
034 Ampharos sold out
037 Smoochum sold out
039 Slowking   sold out
041 Wobbuffet   sold out
046 Donphan sold out
049 Cleffa $11.99
051 Clefable   sold out
054 Blisseymm sold out
059 Noctowl $13.99
Rare Cards
003 Beedrill sold out
005 Ariados sold out
010 Sunflora sold out
018 Slowbro sold out
020 Starmie sold out
021 Lapras sold out
036 Weezing sold out
043 Primeape sold out
048 Fearow sold out
058 Furret sold out
Uncommon Cards
002 Kakuna sold out
012 Heracross sold out
024 Feraligatr sold out
026 Qwilfish sold out
027 Corsola sold out
030 Mantine sold out
033 Ampharos sold out
040 Unown sold out
045 Donphan sold out
053 Blissey sold out
055 Tauros sold out
063 Energy Switch sold out
064 Switch sold out
065 Pokemon Reversal sold out
066 Poke Ball sold out
067 Professor Elm's Training Method sold out
068 Professor Oak's New Theory sold out
069 Bill sold out
070 Double Colorless Energy sold out
Common Cards
001 Weedle sold out
004 Spinarak sold out
006 Hoppip sold out
007 Skiploom sold out
009 Sunkern sold out
017 Slowpoke sold out
019 Staryu sold out
022 Totodile sold out
023 Croconaw sold out
028 Remoraid sold out
031 Mareep sold out
032 Flaaffy sold out
035 Koffing sold out
038 Jynx sold out
042 Mankey sold out
044 Phanpy sold out
047 Spearow sold out
050 Clefairy sold out
052 Chansey sold out
056 Sentret sold out
058 Hoothoot sold out
060 Girafarig sold out
062 Stantler sold out
Grass Energy sold out
Fire Energy sold out
Water Energy sold out
Lightning Energy sold out
Psychic Energy sold out
Fighting Energy sold out
Darkness Energy sold out
Metal Energy sold out

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Updated 02/13/2025

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