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Pocket Monsters Card Game: Dawn Dash card set
Japanese Pokemon:

  Diamond Collection DP4
Dawn Dash
Trading Cards

Release date: Japanese: October 26, 2007

Holofoil Cards
158 Leafeon sold out
304 Sceptile   sold out
161 Glaceon sold out
528 Phione   sold out
Glaceon LV. X sold out
Pachirisu sold out
332 Gardevoir sold out
Gardevoir LV. X sold out
171 Kabutops sold out
204 Togekiss   sold out
Rare Cards
012 Butterfree sold out
159 Flareon sold out
177 Moltres sold out
108 Kingler sold out
155 Lapras sold out
175 Articuno sold out
162 Jolteon sold out
163 Espeon sold out
223 Unown P sold out
062 Primeape sold out
397 Claydol sold out
043 Wigglytuff $0.99
172 Arodactyl sold out
387 Altaria sold out
438 Latias sold out
354 Mawile sold out
Uncommon Cards
303 Grovyle $2.39
275 Magcargo sold out
382 Delibird sold out
329 Pelipper $2.39
425 Huntail sold out
426 Gorebyss sold out
024 Arbok sold out
203 Togetic $2.39
314 Linoone $2.39
385 Cacturne sold out
Rare Candy sold out
Premier Ball sold out
Leftovers sold out
Felicity's Drawing sold out
Dawn Stadium sold out
Dome Fossil sold out
Old Amber sold out
Call Energy sold out
Health Energy sold out
Common Cards
010 Caterpie sold out
011 Metapod sold out
302 Treeko sold out
365 Illumise sold out
384 Cacnea sold out
274 Slugma sold out
107 Krabby $2.39
328 Wingull sold out
424 Clamperl sold out
428 Luvdisc sold out
023 Ekans
240 Unown L sold out
245 Unown Q sold out
061 Mankey sold out
170 Kabuto sold out
391 Solrock sold out
396 Baltoy sold out
041 Igglybuff $2.39
042 Jigglypuff sold out
157 Eevee sold out
202 Togepi $2.39
313 Zigzagoon $2.39
386 Swablu sold out
388 Zangoose sold out

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Updated 02/13/2025 Trying to be the Largest Pocket Monsters Trading Card Selection!

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