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Pocket Monsters Card Game: Collection Y card set
  Japanese Pokemon:
Collection Y
Trading Cards
1st Edition
Release date: Japanese: March 6, 2009

Holofoil Cards
014 Blastoise EX sold out
015 M Blastoise EX sold out
023 Emolga EX sold out
037 Yveltal EX sold out
061 Blastoise EX sold out
062 Emolga EX sold out
063 Yveltal EX sold out
009 Chesnaught sold out
013 Talonflame sold out
018 Lapras sold out
028 Gourgeist sold out
033 Rhyperior sold out
041 Aegislash sold out
045 Aromatisse sold out
053 Furfrou sold out
Uncommon Cards
003 Beedrill $0.99
005 Ledian sold out
008 Quilladin   sold out
017 Cloyster $2.89
026 Scolipede   sold out
030 Dugtrio $2.19
032 Rhydon $1.99
033 Rhydon sold out
034 Solrock sold out
036 Malamar sold out
038 Honedge sold out
040 Aegislash $0.89
043 Wigglytuff sold out
049 Delcatty $1.49
054 Super Potion sold out
055 Professor's Letter sold out
056 Red Card sold out
057 Hard Charm sold out
058 Cassius $1.49
059 Tierno sold out
060 Double Colorless Energy sold out
Common Cards
001 Weedle $0.89
002 Kakuna sold out
004 Ledyba $0.89
006 Illumise $0.89
007 Chespin   sold out
010 Pansear   sold out
011 Simisear sold out
012 Fletchinder $0.89
016 Shellder $0.89
019 Panpour $0.89
020 Simipour $0.89
021 Voltorb   sold out
022 Electrode sold out
024 Venipede   sold out
025 Whirlipede $0.89
027 Pumpkaboo   sold out
029 Diglett $0.89
031 Rhyhorn $0.89
034 Solrock $0.89
035 Inkay   sold out
038 Honedge $0.89
039 Doublade $0.89
042 Jigglypuff $0.89
044 Spritzee $0.89
046 Duduo $0.89
047 Dudrio $0.89
048 Skitty $0.89
050 Bidoof $0.89
051 Bibarel $0.89 sold out
052 Fletching $0.89

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Updated 02/13/2025

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