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Dragonball Ball Super Card Game
Dragonball Super Card Game: World Martial Arts Tournament single cards
Super Card Game:
TB2 World Martial Arts Tournament
Trading Cards

RELEASED: November 2018

World Martial Arts Tournament  Focused on WMAT

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

Super Rare Cards

TB2-02 Supreme Showdown Son Goku
TB2-02 Supreme Showdown Son Goku special rare
TB2-05 Supreme Showdown Vegeta
TB2-05 Supreme Showdown Vegeta special rare
TB2-23 Pan, Proudest Daughter $0.59
TB2-23 Pan, Proudest Daughter special rare
TB2-29 Hercule, Proudest Grandpa $1.11
TB2-29 Hercule, Proudest Grandpa special rare
TB2-39 Destined Conclusion Piccolo Jr. $0.59
TB2-39 Destined Conclusion Piccolo Jr.special rare
TB2-45 Destined Conclusion Hero
TB2-45 Destined Conclusion Hero special rare
TB2-51 Unyielding Victory Son Goku
TB2-51 Unyielding Victory Son Goku special rare
TB2-58 Unyielding Victory Jackie Chun
TB2-58 Unyielding Victory Jackie Chuns pecial rare
TB2-69 Son Goku & Ubb, Seeds of the Future secret rare

Rare Cards

TB2-09 Special Treaty Android 18
TB2-09 Special Treaty Android 18 Foil $0.59
TB2-10 Secret Treaty Hercule
TB2-10 Secret Treaty Hercule Foil $0.59
TB2-20 Test of Strength Son Goku
TB2-24 Awakening Talent Pan Foil $0.79
TB2-30 Test of Strength Uub
TB2-35 Fateful Reunion Son Goku
TB2-37 Fateful Reunion ChiChi Foil $0.59
TB2-41 Double Impact Krillin Foil $0.59
TB2-54 Unending Moves Yamcha Foil $0.59
TB2-55 Unending Moves Tien Shinhan Foil $0.59
TB2-59 Doublechop Nam Foil $0.59
TB2-68 World Tournament Arena Foil $0.59

Uncommon Cards

TB2-01 Hercule / Bundle of Confidence Hercule $0.21
TB2-04 Tiny Rivals Son Goten $0.21
TB2-07 Tiny Rivals Trunks $0.21
TB2-12 Hidden Power, East Supreme Kai $0.21
TB2-19 Uub /Uub , Unknowing Power $0.21
TB2-19 Uub / Uub, Unknowing Power Foil $0.59
TB2-25 Begrudging Respect Vegeta $0.21
TB2-27 Begrudging Respect Piccolo $0.21
TB2-33 Shocking Latent Ability $0.21
TB2-34 Son Goku / Stopping Power Son Goku $0.21
TB2-40 Speed Attack Piccolo Jr. $0.21
TB2-42 Honed Moves Yamcha $0.21
TB2-43 Tien Shinhan, Trading Moves $0.21
TB2-48 Mercenary Tao, Trading Moves $0.21
TB2-50 Jackie Chun // Jackie Chun, the Mysterious Fighter $0.21
TB2-50 Jackie Chun, the Mysterious Fighter Foil $0.59
TB2-57 Master Roshi, Martial Meister $0.21
TB2-57 Master Roshi, Martial Meister Foil $0.27
TB2-61 Stenchful Bacterian $0.21
TB2-61 Stenchful Bacterian Foil $0.27
TB2-63 Master Shen, Martial Meister $0.21
TB2-65 Announcer / Announcer, Referee Veteran $0.21
TB2-67 Announcer, PlayByPlay Pro $0.21

Common Cards

TB2-03 Heroic Duo Son Gohan $0.21
TB2-03 Heroic Duo Son GohanFoil $0.59
TB2-06 Vegeta, Power Misused $0.21
TB2-08 Mighty Mask, Powers Combined $0.21
TB2-11 Heroic Duo Videl $0.21
TB2.23 Dark Duo Babidi $0.21
TB2-14 Dark Duo Dabura $0.21
TB2-14 Dark Duo Dabura Foil $0.59
TB2-15 Tainted Power, Spopovich & Yamu $0.21
TB2-16 Pui Pui, Magician's Lackey $0.21
TB2.21 Razor's Edge Yakon $0.21
TB2-18 Babidi's Spaceship $0.21
TB2-21 Top of His Game Son Gohan $0.21
TB2-21 Top of His Game Son Gohan Foil $0.59
TB2-22 Scuffle Time Son Goten $0.21
TB2-26 Awkward Situation Trunks $0.21
TB2-28 Scuffle Time Mr. Buu $0.21
TB2-31 Wild Tiger, the Imposing $0.21
TB2-32 Awkward Situation Otokosuki $0.21
TB2-36 Trading Blows Son Goku $0.21
TB2-38 Martial Daughter ChiChi $0.21
TB2-44 Best Buddy Chiaotzu $0.21
TB2-46 Trusting Relationship Kami $0.21
TB2-47 Trusting Relationship Popo $0.21
TB2-49 Feet Kamehameha $0.21
TB2-52 Future Martial Artist Son Goku $0.21
TB2-52 Future Martial Artist Son Goku Foil $0.29
TB2-53 Toughened Up Krillin $0.21
TB2-56 Toughened Up Chiaotzu $0.21
TB2-60 Ginormous Strength Giran $0.21
TB2-60 Ginormous Strength Giran Foil $0.29
TB2-62 Risque Ranfan $0.21
TB2-64 I'm the World Champion! $0.21
TB2-66 Announcer, EverCurious $0.21
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Updated 02/13/2025

Largest Online English Dragonball Trading Card Selection!

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