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Dragonball Ball Super Card Game
Dragonball Super Card Game: BT21 Wild Resurgence single cards
Super Card Game:
BT21 Wild Resurgence
Trading Cards

RELEASED: March.21, 2023

1 Booster Pack contains 12 cards each.
1 Box contains 24 Booster Packs.

292 Types Total
(normal/holo) x60
Un (normal/holo) x38
(normal/holo) x30
Secret  x3

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.


BT21-144 Android 16, Companion for Desperation-Rare
BT21-074 Android 16, Final Wish-Uncommon
BT21-086 Android 17, Encroaching Hand of Evil-Common
BT21-087 Android 18, Encroaching Hand of Evil-Common
BT21-035 Baby // Baby, Awakening With a Grudge-Uncommon
BT21-063 Baby, A Quiet Beginning-Common
BT21-061 Baby, Anti-Saiyan Murder Weapon-Rare
BT21-062 Baby, Bitter Revenge on Saiyans-Super Rare
BT21-062 Baby, Bitter Revenge on Saiyans-Special Rare
BT21-037 Baby, Finishing Revenge-Uncommon
BT21-041 Baby, Parasitic Premonition-Uncommon
BT21-040 Baby, Parasitizing Complete-Uncommon
BT21-060 Baby, Shining Gold Evil Lifeform-Super Rare
BT21-060 Baby, Shining Gold Evil Lifeform-Special Rare
BT21-143 Beerus, Judge of Ruin-Super Rare
BT21-049 Bulla, Domination Complete-Rare
BT21-050 Bulla, Domination Complete-Common
BT21-118 Bulma, Making a Wish-Common
BT21-020 Bulma, Talented Youth-Common
BT21-068 Cell // Cell, The Greatest Threat to Mankind-Uncommon
BT21-072 Cell, About to Explode-Uncommon
BT21-094 Cell, Birth Omen-Common
BT21-093 Cell, Chrysalis Form-Common
BT21-089 Cell, Giving in to Despair-Common
BT21-075 Cell, Greedy Absorption-Uncommon
BT21-146 Cell, Longing for Perfection-Rare
BT21-091 Cell, Namekian Absorption-Common
BT21-070 Cell, Perfect Resurrection-Uncommon
BT21-092 Cell, Preparing a Plan-Common
BT21-088 Cell, Pursuit of Despair-Super Rare
BT21-088 Cell, Pursuit of Despair-Special Rare
BT21--090 Cell, Saiyan Absorption-Rare
BT21-145 Cell, Ultimate Lifeform of Despair-Rare
BT21-071 Cell, Waiting Impatiently-Uncommon
BT21-098 Cell's Full-Power Kamehameha-Rare
BT21-021 Chi-Chi, Protecting Mother-Common
BT21-149 Dark King Mechikabura, Last Judgement-Secret Rare
BT21-139 Dark King Mechikabura, Ruler of the Demon Realm-Rare
BT21-064 Dr. Myuu-Common
BT21-101 Frieza // Frieza, The Emperor Who Swore Revenge-Uncommon
BT21-125 Frieza, Bitter Scream-Rare
BT21-124 Frieza, Coldhearted Behavior-Common
BT21-122 Frieza, Limitless Raw Power-Uncommon
BT21-123 Frieza, Overflowing With Confidence-Uncommon
BT21-121 Frieza, Waiting To See-Rare
BT21-065 Full Strength Absorption-Rare
BT21-002 Garlic Jr. // Garlic Jr., Immortal Being-Uncommon
BT21-005 Garlic Jr., Absorbing All-Uncommon
BT21-007 Garlic Jr., Child of Evil-Uncommon
BT21-025 Garlic Jr., Dark Ambitions-Common
BT21-006 Garlic Jr., Destruction and Revenge-Uncommon
BT21-024 Garlic Jr., Eternal Life-Super Rare
BT21-024 Garlic Jr., Eternal Life-Special Rare
BT21-023 Garlic Jr., Invitation to Eternal Darkness-Super Rare
BT21-023 Garlic Jr., Invitation to Eternal Darkness-Special Rare
BT21-033 Garlic Jr.'s Ambition-Common
BT21-027 Ginger, Malevolent Henchman-Common
BT21-026 Ginger, Two Sword Technique-Rare
BT21-099 Gingertown-
BT21-120 Golden Frieza, Evolved Emperor-Super Rare
BT21-120 Golden Frieza, Evolved Emperor-Special Rare
BT21-102 Golden Frieza, Shining Emperor-Rare
BT21-085 Hercule, Cheater-Uncommon
BT21-056 Hercule, Earth's Champion-Common
BT21-057 Hercule, Friend's Defense-Common
BT21-096 Hyperbolic Time Chamber-Common
BT21-119 Jaco, A Dangerous Signal-Common
BT21-016 Krillin-Common
BT21-084 Krillin, Battle Support-Common
BT21-017 Krillin, Desperate Straits-Common
BT21-116 Krillin, Remembering Terror-Common
BT21-018 Krillin, Student Bonds-Common
BT21-019 Master Roshi-Common
BT21-117 Master Roshi-Common
BT21-136 Mira, Creator Absorption-Rare
BT21-058 Mr. Buu, For Friendship-Common
BT21-059 Mr. Buu, In Disguise-Common
BT21-039 Mr. Buu, Majin Defender-Uncommon
BT21-031 Nikky, Malevolent Henchman-
BT21-003 Nikky, One Sword Technique-Rare
BT21-022 Ox-King, Grandfather of Son Gohan-Common
BT21-044 Pan-Common
BT21-045 Pan, Brave Defense-Common
BT21-083 Piccolo-Common
BT21-115 Piccolo, A Bad Feeling-Common
BT21-015 Piccolo, Opposing Strength-Uncommon
BT21-013 Piccolo, Plentiful Strength-Common
BT21-014 Piccolo, Prideful Strength-Rare
BT21-004 Piccolo, Unleashed Power-Uncommon
BT21-032 Power Pole-Rare
BT21-141 Salsa, Violent Majin Assault-Common
BT21-028 Sansyo, Giant Fighting Spirit-Rare
BT21-029 Sansyo, Malevolent Henchman-Common
BT21-147 Shenron, the Eternal Dragon-Secret Rare
BT21-130 Shisami, Pursuing Deepest Desires-Uncommon
BT21-140 Shroom, Violent Majin Assault-Uncommon
BT21-167 Son Gohan // SS Son Gohan, The Results of Fatherly Training-Uncommon
BT21-012 Son Gohan, Awakened Hidden Power-
BT21-011 Son Goku & Piccolo, Arch-Rivals Fighting Together-Super Rare
BT21-011 Son Goku & Piccolo, Arch-Rivals Fighting Together-Special Rare
BT21-001 Son Goku // Son Goku, for the Sake of Family-Uncommon
BT21-010 Son Goku, Daily Training-Rare
BT21-009 Son Goku, Enduring Fury-Rare
BT21-003 Son Goku, Full Power and Full Blast-Uncommon
BT21-008 Son Goku, Overwhelming Power-Super Rare
BT21-008 Son Goku, Overwhelming Power-Special Rare
BT21-148 Son Goku, Peace Resolution-Secret Rare
BT21-148 Son Goku, Peace Resolution-God Rare
BT21-109 Son Goku, Trial Run-Common
BT21-043 Son Goten, Domination Complete-Common
BT21-127 Sorbet, Devoted Support-Common
BT21-105 Sorbet, Emperor's Subject-Uncommon
BT21-126 Sorbet, Pursuing Deepest Desires-Common
BT21-095 Spy Robot, Collecting Cells-Common
BT21-080 SS Son Gohan, Showing the Results of Training-Rare
BT21-079 SS Son Goku & SS2 Son Gohan, Father-Son Solidarity-Super Rare
BT21-079 SS Son Goku & SS2 Son Gohan, Father-Son Solidarity-Secret Rare
BT21-073 SS Son Goku, Assisting His Son-Rare
BT21-077 SS Son Goku, Believing in His Son-Rare
BT21-076 SS Son Goku, Decision Made-Super Rare
BT21-076 SS Son Goku, Decision Made-Secret Rare
BT21-078 SS Son Goku, Showing the Results of Training-Rare
BT21-108 SS Son Goku, Waiting To See-Common
BT21-082 SS Trunks, Mysterious Future Warrior-Common
BT21-081 SS Vegeta, Arrogance-Common
BT21-069 SS2 Son Gohan, Trigger to Fierce Rage-Uncommon
BT21-042 SS3 Son Goku, Warrior Savior-Common
BT21-110 SSB Son Goku & SSB Vegeta, Rivalry-Super Rare
BT21-110 SSB Son Goku & SSB Vegeta, Rivalry-Special Rare
BT21-100 SSB Son Goku // SSB Vegeta, God-Level Power-Uncommon
BT21-111 SSB Son Goku VS Golden Frieza, Spirit Clash-Super Rare
BT21-111 SSB Son Goku VS Golden Frieza, Spirit Clash-Special Rare
BT21-103 SSB Son Goku, Finishing Blow-Rare
BT21-107 SSB Son Goku, Unceasing Progress-Rare
BT21-112 SSB Vegeta, Unceasing Progress-
BT21-133 SSG Trunks, Guiding Light-
BT21-134 SSG Trunks, Sealing Power-Rare
BT21-135 Supreme Kai of Time, Releasing Time Power-Common
BT21-129 Tagoma-Common
BT21-106 Tagoma, Emperor's Subject-Uncommon
BT21-128 Tagoma, Pursuing Deepest Desires-Common
BT21-132 The Return of the Army of Terror-
BT21-138 Towa, Combo Attack-Uncommon
BT21-131 Towa, Rebuilding the Demon Realm-Common
BT21-048 Training With Whis-Common
BT21-097 Trunks, Domination Complete-Rare
BT21-058 Uneasing Awakened Rage-Super Rare
BT21-066 Universal Tuffleization Plan-Common
BT21-034 Uub // Uub & Mr. Buu, Resonating Spirits-Uncommon
BT21-052 Uub, Body Resistance-Super Rare
BT21-052 Uub, Body Resistance-Secret Rare
BT21-051 Uub, Focused Full-Strength Blow-Super Rare
BT21-051 Uub, Focused Full-Strength Blow-Secret Rare
BT21-036 Uub, Fusion of Two Spirits-Uncommon
BT21-038 Uub, Holder of Majin Power-Uncommon
BT21-053 Uub, Intercepting Kamehameha-Rare
BT21-055 Uub, Standing Up to a Threat-Uncommon
BT21-054 Uub, Warrior Left on Earth-Rare
BT21-046 Vegeta, Disturbing Harbinger-Common
BT21-047 Vegeta, Tempered Body-Common
BT21-113 Vegeta, Trial Run-Common
BT21-114 Vegeta, Waiting To See -Common
BT21-142 Whis, Angel's Teachings-Super Rare
BT21-104 Whis, Time Regression-Uncommon

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Updated 02/13/2025

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