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Dragonball Ball Super Card Game
Dragonball Super Card Game: Ultimate Squad single cards
Super Card Game:
BT17 Ultimate Squad
Trading Cards

RELEASED: June 3, 2022

292 Types Total!
Common (normal/holo) x60
Uncommon (normal/holo) x38
Rare (normal/holo) x30
Super Rare x18
Special Rare x15
Secret Rare x3

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

BT17-080 A Hopeless Sight-Common-
BT17-137 Android.13, Frenzied Warrior-Uncommon-
BT17-052 Android.13, Inorganic Horror-Rare-
BT17-054 Android 14 & Android 15, the Ravagers-Uncommon
BT17-053 Android 14, Inorganic Horror-Rare-
BT17-055 Android 15, Inorganic Horror-Common-
BT17-055 Android 15, Inorganic Horror-Common- Foil
BT17-048 Android 16, Hidden Power-Common
BT17-033 Android 17 & Android 18, Teaming Up-Super Rare-
BT17-033 Android 17 & Android 18, Teaming Up-Special Rare
BT17-136 Android 17 & Android 18, Team-Up Attack-Uncommon-
BT17-136 Android 17 & Android 18, Team-Up Attack-Uncommon- Foil
BT17-136 Android 17 & Android 18, Team-Up Attack-Special Rare
BT17-135 Android 17 & Android-18, Limitless Energy-Rare
BT17-046 Android 17, Rebellious Will-Uncommon-
BT17-047 Android 18, Rebellious Will-Uncommon-
BT17-050 Android 19, Energy Absorber-Common-
BT17-051 Android 20, Energy Absorber-Common-
BT17-045 Android 8, For His Friends-Common-
BT17-044 Android 8, Kindhearted Machine-Uncommon
BT17-027 Ba, Friend From Planet Vampa-Common-
BT17-004 Baby, Juvenile Parasite-Super Rare-
BT17-134 Beerus, Motivated Destruction-Uncommon
BT17-134 Beerus, Motivated Destruction-Special Rare
BT17-079 Big Gete Star, Nightmarish Regeneration-Common-
BT17-024 Bizu, Combination Ready-Common-
BT17-145 Cell Abominable Power-Super Rare
BT17-146 Cell, the Awakened-Uncommon
BT17-049 Cell, the Ultimate Bio-Android-Super Rare-
BT17-029 Clash on Planet M-2-Common-
BT17-042 Colonel Violet-Common-
BT17-031 Commander Red // Red Ribbon Robot, Seeking World Conquest-Uncommon
BT17-036 Commander Red, Hidden Ambitions-Super Rare
BT17-051 Commander Red, Red Ribbon Unifier-Rare
BT17-051 Commander Red, Red Ribbon Unifier-Rare- Foil
BT17-071 Cooler-Common-
BT17-059 Cooler // Cooler, Galactic Dynasty-Uncommon-
BT17-059 Cooler // Cooler, Galactic Dynasty-Uncommon- Foil
BT17-069 Cooler, Mightiest Sibling in Space-Common-
BT17-070 Cooler, On Watch-Uncommon-
BT17-070 Cooler, On Watch-Uncommon- Foil
BT17-068 Cooler, Sibling Cruelty-Super Rare-
BT17-078 Cooler's Armored Squadron-Common-
BT17-078 Cooler's Armored Squadron-Common- Foil
BT17-074 Cyclopian Guard-Common-
BT17-075 Cyclopian Guard, Mass-Production Model-Common-
BT17-112 Demon God Dabura, Imperial Warrior-Common-
BT17-118 Demon God Gravy, Imperial Warrior-Uncommon-
BT17-002 Frieza // Golden Frieza, the Majestic Emperor-Uncommon
BT17-118 Frieza, the Finisher-Rare
BT17-119 Demon God Putine, Imperial Warrior-Rare-
BT17-120 Demon God Putine, Preparing to Fight-Rare
BT17-125 Demon God Salsa, Imperial Warrior-Rare
BT17-126 Demon God Salsa, Preparing to Fight-Common
BT17-126 Demon God Salsa, Preparing to Fight-Common- Foil
BT17-123 Demon God Shroom, Imperial Warrior-Rare
BT17-123 Demon God Shroom, Imperial Warrior-Rare- Foil
BT17-124 Demon God Shroom, Preparing to Fight-Common-
BT17-124 Demon God Shroom, Preparing to Fight-Common- Foil
BT17-115 Demon God Towa, Furious Onslaught-Super Rare
BT17-115 Demon God Towa, Furious Onslaught-Special Rare
BT17-116 Demon God Towa, Imperial Warrior-Uncommon-
BT17-117 Demon God Towa, Preparing to Fight-Rare
BT17-117 Demon God Towa, Preparing to Fight-Rare- Foil
BT17-089 Dende Guardian's Destiny-Common-
BT17-063 Hercule, Smile and Nod-Common
BT17-034 Dr. Gero, Abominable Creator-Uncommon-
BT17-002 Dr. Myuu & General Rilldo // Dr. Myuu & Hyper Meta-Rilldo, Rulers of Planet-2-Uncommon
BT17-127 Fin-Common-
BT17-128 Fin, Preparing to Fight-Common-
BT17-061 Frieza, Galactic Dynasty-Super Rare
BT17-061 Frieza, Galactic Dynasty-Special Rare
BT17-130 Further Evolution-Common-
BT17-032 Gamma 1 & Gamma 2 // Gamma 1 & Gamma 2, Newfound Foes-Uncommon-
BT17-040 General Blue, Ever Loyal-Common-
BT17-039 General Blue, Red Ribbon Officer-Uncommon-
BT17-019 General Rilldo, Battle on Planet M-2-Common-
BT17-019 General Rilldo, Battle on Planet M-2-Common- Foil
BT17-020 General Rilldo, Combination Ready-Common-
BT17-041 General White, Red Ribbon Officer-Common-
BT17-015 Giru, Travel Support-Common
BT17-015 Giru, Travel Support-Common- Foil
BT17-066 Golden Frieza, Newfound Might-Super Rare
BT17-018 Hyper Meta-Rilldo, Combined Power-Rare-
BT17-005 Infinite Multiplication Meta-Cooler-Common-
BT17-073 Infinite Multiplication Meta-Cooler-Common-
BT17-105 Infinite Multiplication Meta-Cooler-Common
BT17-109 Instant Kamehameha-Common-
BT17-147 Invader's Vow-Secret Rare
BT17-129 Invasion of the Dark Empire-Common-
BT17-100 Kami, Guardian of Earth-Common-
BT17-086 Krillin, Z Fighter-Rare-
BT17-131 Lightning Sentence-Common-
BT17-016 Luud, Stunning Power -Common-
BT17-043 Major Metallitron, Red Ribbon Officer-Common-
BT17-043 Major Metallitron, Red Ribbon Officer-Common- Foil
BT17-065 Mecha Frieza, Back From the Abyss-Uncommon
BT17-028 Mechanized Planet-Common-
BT17-121 Mechikabura, Dark Ruler-Common-
BT17-035 Mercenary Tao, Expert Assassin-Common-
BT17-060 Meta-Cooler // Meta-Cooler Core, Unlimited Power-Uncommon-
BT17-143 Meta-Cooler Core, Energy Source-Common
BT17-142 Meta-Cooler Core, the Collective-Rare-
BT17-141 Meta-Cooler, Enhanced Menace-Super Rare
BT17-072 Meta-Cooler, Multiplying Threat-Common-
BT17-072 Meta-Cooler, Multiplying Threat-Common- Foil
BT17-140 Meta-Cooler, Newfound Foe-Rare-
BT17-017 Meta-Rilldo, Ascended General-Rare
BT17-092 Nail, the Protector-Common-
BT17-064 Neiz, Cooler's Armored Squadron-Rare-
BT17-023 Nezi, Combination Ready-Uncommon-
BT17-149 Oath of Z Secret-Rare
BT17-011 Pan, Adventure's Advent-Rare-
BT17-011 Pan, Adventure's Advent-Rare- Foil
BT17-010 Pan, Soaring Through Space-Super Rare
BT17-148 Piccolo & Son Gohan, Newfound Might-Secret Rare
BT17-082 Piccolo // Piccolo, Supreme Power-Uncommon-
BT17-082 Piccolo // Piccolo, Supreme Power-Uncommon- Foil
BT17-067 Piccolo, First Fusion-Rare
BT17-067 Piccolo, First Fusion-Rare- Foil
BT17-144 Piccolo, Fused With Kami-Super Rare
BT17-077 Piccolo, Fusing Further-Rare
BT17-076 Piccolo, Fusing With Kami-Uncommon-
BT17-139 Piccolo, Fusing With Nail-Rare-
BT17-099 Piccolo, Fusion's Resolve-Rare
BT17-091 Piccolo, Ready to Fuse-Rare-
BT17-090 Piccolo, with Nail's Might-Uncommon
BT17-085 Piccolo, Z Fighter-Rare-
BT17-103 Pirina-Common-
BT17-104 Pirina, Burdens Shouldered-Common-
BT17-104 Pirina, Burdens Shouldered-Common- Foil
BT17-056 Red Ribbon Army, Assemble!-Common-
BT17-038 Red Ribbon Robot, Colossal Power-Rare-
BT17-058 Results of Research-Common-
BT17-058 Results of Research-Common- Foil
BT17-025 Ribet, Combination Ready-Uncommon-
BT17-057 Sacrificial Strike-Common-
BT17-062 Salza, Cooler's Armored Squadron-Rare-
BT17-101 Saonel-Common
BT17-102 Saonel, Burdens Shouldered-Common-
BT17-030 Setting Forth to Space-Common-
BT17-001 Son Goku // Son Goku, Pan, and Trunks, Space Adventurers-Uncommon-
BT17-081 Son Goku // SS Son Goku, Fearless Fighter-Uncommon-
BT17-008 Son Goku, Adventure's Advent-Common-
BT17-008 Son Goku, Adventure's Advent-Common- Foil
BT17-007 Son Goku, Battle on Planet M-2-Uncommon
BT17-094 Son Goku, Returning to Earth-Uncommon-
BT17-003 Spaceship, Vessel of Hope-Uncommon-
BT17-095 SS Son Gohan, Furious Training-Rare
BT17-095 SS Son Gohan, Furious Training-Rare- Foil
BT17-096 SS Son Gohan, Inherited Will-Uncommon
BT17-093 SS Son Goku, Final Sacrifice-Super Rare
BT17-093 SS Son Goku, Final Sacrifice-Special Rare-
BT17-009 SS Son Goku, Pan, & SS Trunks, Galactic Explorers-Super Rare-
BT17-009 SS Son Goku, Pan, & SS Trunks, Galactic Explorers-Special Rare
BT17-006 SS Son Goku, Soaring Through Space-Rare-
BT17-012 SS Trunks, Soaring Through Space-Rare-
BT17-097 SS Trunks, Super Warrior-Common-
BT17-084 SS Vegeta, Z Fighter-Super Rare
BT17-133 SS2 Kefla, Super Fusion-Uncommon-
BT17-133 SS2 Kefla, Super Fusion-Uncommon- Foil
BT17-133 SS2 Kefla, Super Fusion-Special Rare
BT17-083 SS2 Son Gohan, Z Fighter-Super Rare-
BT17-083 SS2 Son Gohan, Z Fighter-Special Rare
BT17-138 SSG Son Goku, Magnificent Might-Uncommon-
BT17-138 SSG Son Goku, Magnificent Might-Special Rare
BT17-113 Super Mira, Imperial Warrior-Uncommon-
BT17-111 Super Mira, Overflowing Power-Super Rare
BT17-111 Super Mira, Overflowing Power-Special Rare
BT17-114 Super Mira, Preparing to Fight-Uncommon
BT17-022 Super Sigma-Common-
BT17-022 Super Sigma-Common- Foil
BT17-021 Super Sigma, Combining Warrior-Rare
BT17-122 Supreme Kai of Time, Fallen Deity-Common-
BT17-108 The World Champion Strikes -Common-
BT17-107 The Z Fighters at the Cell Games-Common-
BT17-088 Tien Shinhan, Z Fighter-Uncommon-
BT17-110 Towa // Demon God Towa, Dark Leader-Uncommon
BT17-014 Trunks, Adventure's Advent-Common-
BT17-013 Trunks, Battle on Planet M-2-Common-
BT17-013 Trunks, Battle on Planet M-2-Common- Foil
BT17-098 Trunks, From the Future-Common-
BT17-026 Vegeta-Common-
BT17-132 Vegeta, Proud Warrior-Uncommon-
BT17-132 Vegeta, Proud Warrior-Special Rare-
BT17-106 Weight on One's Shoulders-Common-
BT17-087 Yamcha, Z Fighter-Uncommon-

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Updated 02/13/2025

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