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Dragonball Tuff Enuff promo trading cards
Overstock Sell Off
Dragonball Z
'Tuff Enuff'

1st Edition
Trading Cards

Tuff Enuff cards were actually released in separate packs within the Cell Games Saga, so whilst the cards weren't inserted within Cell Games booster packs it was still counted as a subset. The 22 cards were all foil and printed with the Cell Saga art around the image and card text, with the exception of the symbol which in this case was the Tuff Enuff one. The cards showcased scenes from the Cell Games, with the exception of "Garlic Jr's Energy Blast", "Krillin's Coolness Drill" and the insane "Are You Tuff Enuff" (which had an Endurance of 100 and bestowed 100 anger to all players), these cards showed off earlier scenes. The Flavor Text/Quotes for all cards were simply "Tuff Enuff Only"

All cards are light play/near mint unless otherwise stated.

TF1 Black Smackdown Foil $2.26
TF2 Blue Smackdown Foil $2.26
TF3 Namekian Smackdown Foil $2.26
TF4 Orange Smackdown Foil sold out
TF5 Red Smackdown Foil $2.26
TF6 Saiyan Smackdown Foil $3.09
TF7 Garlic Jr.'s Palm Blast Foil $2.26
TF8 Loser With Style Drill Foil $2.19
TF9 Krillin's Coolness Drill Foil $2.19
TF10 Are You Tuff Enuf??? Foil $2.26
TF11 Bubble's Drill Foil $2.19
TF12 Namekian Side Swipe Foil $2.99
TF13 Orange Energy Stance Foil sold out
TF14 Namekian Charging Stance Foil $2.26
TF15 Blue Show Off Foil $2.26
TF16 Straining Double Strike Move Foil sold out
TF17 Saiyan Anger Strike Foil $2.26
TF18 Black Energy Stance Foil $2.26
TF19 Blue Goku's Power Kick Foil $2.26
TF20 Blue Frustration Drill Foil $2.26
TF21 Black Transformation Foil $2.26
TF22 Tien and Yamcha Strike Foil sold out

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Updated 02/13/2025

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