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Dragonball Z Trunks Saga trading cards
Dragonball Z
Trunks Saga
Trading Cards

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1st Edition Trunks Saga Rare
All cards are light play/near mint

Rare Cards
112 Guru as Your Ally
112 Guru as Your Ally Alt.Foil $3.89
113 Namek Dragon Ball 6 sold out
114 Namek Dragon Ball 7 $2.99
115 Namek Dragon Ball Combat $2.89
115 Namek Dragon Ball Combat Alt.Foil $2.89
116 Guru Fades $2.89
117 Frieza's Featherlight Touch $1.39
118 What Was I Thinking $2.89
119 Hero's Lucky Break sold out
120 Thought Comes Before Action $1.19
121 A Hero's Heart Is Strong   sold out
122 An Amusing Trick   sold out
123 Drills Are For The Weak sold out
124 Hero's Way sold out
125 Don't You Just Hate That   sold out

Vegeta Scans The City

sold out
127 Goku's Battle Ready   sold out
128 Gohan Spots the Imposter Drill sold out
129 Piccolo and Heroes Gather $2.89
130 Krillin's Heat Seeking Blast sold out
131 Chi-Chi Searches sold out
132 Nail Takes Extra Effort $2.89
133 Roshi's Thoughts $2.99
134 King Kai's Thoughts $.49
135 Namek Dragon Ball Wish sold out
136 Namek Dragon Ball 5 $1.99
137 Nail Combat Drill $2.89
137 Nail Combat Drill Alt.Foil $3.99
138 Orange Energy Dan Drill sold out
139 Orange Junction Energy Blast $1.39
140 Black Smoothness Drill $2.89
141 Physical Focus $0.49
142 Red Evasion Drill $2.89
142 Red Evasion Drill Alt.Foil $2.89
143 Red King Cold Observation $2.49
144 Red Style Mastery $2.89
145 Black Style Mastery sold out
146 Orange Style Mastery sold out
147 Namekian Style Mastery sold out
148 Saiyan Style Mastery sold out
149 Blue Style Mastery sold out
150 Trunks the Hero (level 4)-Profile sold out
151 Vegeta, Saiyan Prince (level 4)-Profile sold out
152 Gohan, Empowered (level 4)-Profile   sold out
153 Piccolo Enraged (level 4)-Profile sold out
154 Krillin (level 1)-Profile $2.99
155 Krillin Enraged (level 2)-Profile sold out
156 Krillin, the Warrior (level 3)-Profile sold out
Ultra Rare Cards
157 Where There's Life There's Hope sold out
U7 Where There's Life There's Hope sold out
158 Villian's True Power sold out
159 Goku, the Unbeatable (level 4) sold out
160 King Cold, the All Powerful (level 4) sold out
Starter Personality Cards-Capsule Corp
161 Frieza the Monster (level 1) sold out
162 Frieza the Conquerer (level 2) sold out
163 Frieza the Cyborg (level 3) sold out
164 Goku, the Leader (level 1) sold out
165 Goku, the Defender (level 2) sold out
166 Goku, the Protector (level 3) sold out
167 Piccolo, the Avenger (level 1) sold out
168 Piccolo, Revived (level 2) sold out
2.49 Piccolo, the Hero (level 3) sold out
170 Gohan, the Furious (level 1) sold out
171 Gohan, the Fighter (Level 2) sold out
172 Gohan, the Warrior (Level 3) sold out
173 Vegeta, the Determined (level 1) sold out
174 Vegeta, the Powerful (level 2) sold out
175 Vegeta, in Training (level 3) sold out
176 Garlic Jr. (level 1) sold out
177 Garlic Jr., the Master (level 2) sold out
178 Garlic Jr., the Monster (level 3) sold out
179 Spice (level 1) sold out
180 Spice, the Leader (level 2) sold out
181 Spice, the Warrior (level 3) sold out
182 Vinegar (level 1) sold out
183 Vinegar, the Fighter (level 2) sold out
184 Vinegar, the Henchman (level 3) sold out
185 Trunks (level 1) sold out
186 Trunks, the Swordman (level 2) sold out
187 Super Saiyan Trunks (level 3) sold out
188 King Cold (level 1) $5.99
189 King Cold, the Destroyer (level 2) sold out
190 King Cold, the Ruler (level 3) sold out
High Tech Cards
191 Frieza, the Master (level 2) sold out
192 Goku (level 2) sold out
193 Piccolo (level 2) sold out
194 Gohan (level 2) sold out
195 Vegeta (level 2) sold out
196 Garlic Jr., the Merciless (level 2) sold out
197 Spice, the Enchanter (level 2) sold out
198 Vinegar, the Battler (level 2) $5.99
199 Trunks, the Saiyan (level 2) sold out
200 King Cold, Galactic Ruler (level 2)   sold out

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Updated 02/13/2025

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