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Dragon Ball Z
The Arrival

1st Edition
Trading Cards

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All cards are light play/near mint unless otherwise stated.

Common Cards
1 Black Arrogant Block sold out
2 Black Back Lift sold out
3 Black Chest Beam $0.39
4 Black Chin Punch $0.39
5 Black Dash sold out
6 Black Encouragement $0.39
7 Black Face Strike $0.39
8 Black Jump Kick sold out
9 Black Left Blast $0.39
10 Black Moon Energy $0.39
11 Black Preparation sold out
12 Black Stance sold out
13 Blue Forceful Burst $0.39
14 Blue Leaping Knee sold out
15 Blue Left Blast $0.39
16 Blue Left Dodge sold out
17 Blue Overhead Pound $0.39
18 Blue Rage sold out
19 Blue Shielding sold out
20 Blue Shoot 'em Up sold out
21 Blue Showdown $0.39
22 Blue Spit sold out
23 Blue Stalemate sold out
24 Blue Uppercut $0.39
25 Chiaotzu - Energy Charge sold out
26 Chiaotzu- Silently Strong sold out
27 Earth Dragon Ball 1 sold out
28 Earth Dragon Ball 2 sold out
29 Earth Dragon Ball 3 sold out
30 Gohan - Confident Youth sold out
31 Gohan - Resolute Ally sold out
32 Gohan's Dream sold out
33 Krillin - Smiling Warrior sold out
34 Krillin's Determination sold out
35 Namekian Capture sold out
36 Namekian Charged Attack sold out
37 Namekian Concentration sold out
38 Namekian Cross Block $0.39
39 Namekian Face Blast sold out
40 Namekian Finger Defense $0.39
41 Namekian Focusing sold out
42 Namekian Ground Slam sold out
43 Namekian Intense Beam sold out
44 Namekian Pound sold out
45 Namekian Rear Kick sold out
46 Namekian Wrist Grab $0.39
47 Nappa - Ready Saiyan sold out
48 Nappa's Protective Aura sold out
49 Orange Bite sold out
50 Orange Dinosaur Chase sold out
51 Orange Energy Clash ; sold out
52 Orange Energy Flare $0.39
53 Orange Evade sold out
54 Orange Laughter sold out
55 Orange Mouth Beam sold out
56 Orange Power Up $0.39
57 Orange Right Kick sold out
58 Orange Stomach Thrust $0.39
59 Orange Shock ; sold out
60 Orange Surprise sold out
61 Raditz - Saiyan Invader sold out
62 Raditz - Deadly Herald sold out
63 Raditz's Triumph sold out
64 Red Cover Up sold out
65 Red Energy Dive $0.39
66 Red Fingertip Shot $0.39
67 Red Forceful Blast sold out
68 Red Glare sold out
69 Red Leaping Kick sold out
70 Red Leaping Thrust $0.39
71 Red Left Punch sold out
72 Red Recharge sold out
73 Red Right Cross $0.39
74 Red Right Kick $0.39
75 Red Youth Bite $0.39
76 Saibaimen - Alien Henchman ; sold out
77 Saibaimen - Vicious Combatant sold out
78 Saibaimen's Seeds sold out
79 Saiyan Destructive Thrust $0.39
80 Saiyan Dive sold out
81 Saiyan Evasion sold out
82 Saiyan Fingertip Blast sold out
83 Saiyan Flying Kick $0.39
84 Saiyan Head Crush sold out
85 Saiyan Intense Ki Ball sold out
86 Saiyan Monkey Beam sold out
87 Saiyan Shadowing sold out
88 Saiyan Sinister Smirks sold out
89 Saiyan Skull Grab $0.39
90 Saiyan Unbalanced Dodge ; sold out
91 Tien - Prepared Z Warrior sold out
92 Tien's Help sold out
93 Vegeta's Aura sold out
94 Yamcha - Aloof Fighter sold out
95 Yamcha - Baseball Extraordinaire sold out
96 Yamcha's Stance sold out
Uncommon Cards
97 Black Crying sold out
98 Black Diving Elbow sold out
99 Black Electric Tendrils ; sold out
100 Black Fastball $0.39
101 Black Finale sold out
102 Black Power Up sold out
103 Black Quick Shot sold out
104 Black Right Block sold out
105 Black Throw sold out
106 Black Water Pound sold out
107 Blue Breakaway sold out
108 Blue Breakout sold out
109 Blue Bubble Breath $0.39
110 Blue Cheer $0.39
111 Blue Earth Pound $0.39
112 Blue Forearm Block sold out
113 Blue Lunge sold out
114 Blue Snacks sold out
115 Blue Utility Beam sold out
116 Blue Wing Destruction $0.39
117 Saiyan Prepared Attack sold out
118 Chiaotzu's Help sold out
119 Earth Dragon Ball 4 sold out
120 Earth Dragon Ball 5 sold out
121 Gohan's Masenko Blast sold out
122 Goku - Battle Ready sold out
123 Goku - Enraged sold out
124 Goku's Taunt sold out
125 Krillin - Serious Battler sold out
126 Krillin - Energy Blastin sold out
127 Namekian Blinding Ray sold out
128 Namekian Braced Beam sold out
129 Namekian Confidence sold out
130 Namekian Elbow sold out
131 Namekian Evasion sold out
132 Namekian Eye Lasers sold out
133 Namekian Ki Burst sold out
134 Namekian Left Cross sold out
135 Namekian Support $0.39
136 Namekian Surprise sold out
137 Nappa - Faithful Cohort sold out
138 Nappa - Ki Charged sold out
139 Orange Catch sold out
140 Orange Dance sold out
141 Orange Finger Detonation sold out
142 Orange High Knee sold out
143 Orange Lockup sold out
144 Orange Lunge sold out
145 Orange Palm Blast sold out
146 Orange Relaxation $0.39
147 Orange Sacrificial Block sold out
148 Orange Sword Slice sold out
149 Piccolo - Suited For Battle sold out
150 Piccolo - Angered Namek sold out
151 Piccolo - Surprised Namek sold out
152 Piccolo's Regeneration sold out
153 Raditz - Villainous Vanguard sold out
154 Raditz - Swift to Fight sold out
155 Red Braced Attack sold out
156 Red Breakout sold out
157 Red Charged Burst sold out
158 Red Dashing Attack sold out
159 Red Electrified Attack sold out
160 Red Knee Strike $0.39
161 Red Overhead Block $0.39
162 Red Peace sold out
163 Red Right Hook $0.39
164 Red Sword Slash sold out
165 Saibaimen's Self Destruct sold out
166 Saiyan Dashing Kick $0.39
167 Saiyan Energy Gathering sold out
168 Saiyan Escaping Kick sold out
169 Saiyan Happiness sold out
170 Saiyan Ki Flare sold out
171 Saiyan Left Hit sold out
172 Saiyan Math sold out
173 Saiyan Playtime sold out
174 Saiyan Thrust sold out
175 Saiyan Triangle Burst $0.39
176 Tien - Ready For Action sold out
177 Tien's Tri-Beam sold out
178 Vegeta - Rage Empowered sold out
179 Vegeta - Arrogant Prince sold out
180 Yamcha's Controlled Ki Ball sold out
Rare Cards
181 Black Charged Ball sold out
182 Black Dragon Support sold out
183 Black Head Slam sold out
184 Black Huge Burst sold out
185 Black Overpowering Mastery sold out
186 Black Upward Kick sold out
187 Black Z Warriors Support sold out
188 Blue Energy Beam sold out
189 Blue Forceful Mastery sold out
190 Blue Knee sold out
191 Blue Lockup sold out
192 Blue Launch sold out
193 Blue Shout sold out
194 Blue Strength sold out
195 Blue Tail Grab sold out
196 Dragon Ball Radar sold out
197 Earth Dragon Ball 6 sold out
198 Earth Dragon Ball 7 sold out
199 Goku Heroic Friend sold out
200 Goku Desperate Savior sold out
201 Goku's Kamehameha sold out
202 Krillin Peaceful Z Warrior sold out
203 Krillin's Destructo Disc sold out
204 Namekian Blocking Hand sold out
205 Namekian Conservation Mastery sold out
206 Namekian Defensive Stance sold out
207 Namekian Force Push sold out
208 Namekian Finger Charge sold out
209 Namekian Intimidation sold out
210 Namekian Right Job sold out
211 Namekian Secret sold out
212 Nappa Energy Enhanced sold out
213 Nappa's Bull Rush sold out
214 Orange Destructive Beam sold out
215 Orange Dinner sold out
216 Orange Finger Ball sold out
217 Orange Lookout sold out
218 Orange Lunging Jab sold out
219 Orange Rapture sold out
220 Orange Skillful Mastery sold out
221 Paid Off sold out
222 Piccolo Fearless Combatant sold out
223 Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon sold out
224 Raditz's Tail Whip sold out
225 Red Destructive Blast sold out
226 Red Double Kicik sold out
227 Red Ki Aura sold out
228 Red Left Kick sold out
229 Red Mouth Cannon sold out
230 Red Reversal Mastery sold out
231 Red Shout sold out
232 Refill sold out
233 Saiyan Aggressive Mastery sold out
234 Saiyan Jump sold out
235 Saiyan Ki Charge sold out
236 Saiyan Personal Ki Ball sold out
237 Saiyan Rest sold out
238 Saiyan Right Punch $3.69
239 Saiyan Battle Armor sold out
240 Vegeta Prince of All Saiyans sold out
241 Vegeta Saiyan Warrior sold out
242 Vegeta's Gallic Gun sold out
Fixed-clear card
243 Goku Desperate Savior $5.99
244 Krillin Peaceful Z Warrior $5.99
245 Nappa Energy Enhanced sold out
246 Piccolo Fearless Combatant sold out
247 Raditz-Villainous Vanguard sold out
248 Vegeta Prince of All Saiyans $6.64
249 Scouter Goku $2.99
250 Scouter Krillin sold out
251 Scouter Nappa sold out
252 Scouter Piccolo sold out
253 Scouter Raditz sold out
254 Scouter Vegeta sold out

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Updated 12/18/2023
Largest Online English Dragonball Trading Card Selection!

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