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Dragonball Z
Puppet Show
Trading Cards

Featured in World Games saga packs, the "Puppet Show" Subset contained scenes from a mini-movie, shown at the beginning of the 25th Tenka-ichi Budokai that detailed Cell's supposed defeat at the hands of Hercule, using poor acting and Sentai-style costumes. Personalities in this Subset included Cell, Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Hercule. Other characters from this segment of the anime were not shown due to the technical inability to get good headshots

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PS1 Cell, the Puppet (Level 3)-Profile-Cell Saga Foil $3.99
PS2 Goku' the Puppet (Level 1)-Profile-Cell Games Saga Foil   sold out
PS3 Piccolo, the Puppet (Level 1)-Profile-Cell Games Saga Foil sold out
PS4 Vegeta`, the Puppet (Level 1)-Profile-Cell Games Saga Foil sold out
PS5 Hercule, the Puppet (Level 1)-Profile-Cell Games Saga Foil $3.99
PS6 Stupid Tricks-Cell Games Saga Foil $3.99

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Updated 02/13/2025

Largest Online English Dragonball Trading Card Selection!

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