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Dragonball Ball Super Card Game
Dragonball Super Card Game: BT20 Power Absorbed single cards
Super Card Game:
BT20 Power Absorbed
Trading Cards

RELEASED: March.21, 2023

1 Booster Pack contains 12 cards each.
1 Box contains 24 Booster Packs.

292 Types Total
Common (normal/holo) x60
Uncommon (normal/holo) x38
Rare (normal/holo) x30
Super Rare x18
Special Rare x15
Secret Rare x3

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.


BT20-051 Android 16-Common
BT20-077 Android 17 & Hell Fighter 17, Synchronized-Super Rare
BT20-077 Android 17 & Hell Fighter 17, Synchronized-Special Rare
BT20-001 Android 17 // Warriors of Universe 7, United as One-Uncommon
BT20-027 Android 17, Accel Dance-Uncommon
BT20-072 Android 17, Brainwashed Fighter-Common
BT20-033 Android 17, Calm Judgement-Common
BT20-044 Android 17, Emergency Defense-Rare
BT20-005 Android 17, Impeccable Defense-Rare
BT20-045 Android 17, Supporting His Sister-Rare
BT20-139 Android 17, The Move that Turns the Tide-Super Rare
BT20-043 Android 18 & Krillin, Super-Powered Spouses-Special Rare
BT20-043 Android 18 & Krillin, Super-Powered Spouses-Super Rare
BT20-023 Android 18 // Android 18, Impenetrable Rushdown-Uncommon
BT20-025 Android 18, Accel Dance-Uncommon
BT20-071 Android 18, for the Sake of Family-Common
BT20-042 Android 18, Gearing Up for Battle-Common
BT20-041 Android 18, Helping Her Husband-Super Rare
BT20-041 Android 18, Helping Her Husband-Special Rare
BT20-030 Android 18, Krillin, and Maron, Family United-Rare
BT20-080 Android 18, Powerful Quarry-Common
BT20-010 Android 18, Selfless Savior-Rare
BT20-061 Android 18, Wrathful Strike-Rare
BT20-055 Android 20 & Dr. Myuu // Hell Fighter.21, Plans in Motion-Uncommon
BT20-078 Android 20, Vengeful Alliance-Common
BT20-024 Android 21 // Android 21, the Nature of Evil-Uncommon
BT20-144 Android 21, Bewitching Battler-Uncommon
BT20-143 Android 21, Ceaseless Despair-Super Rare
BT20-143 Android 21, Ceaseless Despair-Special Rare
BT20-145 Android 21, Full-Power Counter-Super Rare
BT20-145 Android 21, Full-Power Counter-Special Rare
BT20-028 Android 21, in the Name of Hunger-Super Rare
BT20-029 Android 21, in the Name of Peace-Rare
BT20-048 Android 21, Mandatory Gathering-Common
BT20-047 Android 21, Total Audacity-Rare
BT20-149 Android 21, Transcendental Predator-Secret Rare
BT20-046 Android 21, Wavering Will-Uncommon
BT20-006 Anilaza, Dimension Bender-Rare
BT20-011 Anilaza, Universe 3's Ultimate Weapon-Super Rare
BT20-094 Babidi, Behind it All-Common
BT20-018 Bollarator, Team Attacker-Common
BT20-019 Bollarator, Warrior of Universe 3-Common
BT20-040 Bulma, Helpful Cheer-Common
BT20-050 Cell, Common Enemy-Common
BT20-081 Cell, Powerful Quarry-Common
BT20-127 Cooler, Evolution's Premonition-Common
BT20-132 Cumber-Common
BT20-117 Cumber, Captive Fighter-Common
BT20-131 Cumber, Furious Frenzy-Rare
BT20-093 Dabura-Common
BT20-141 Deadly Clash-Uncommon
BT20-119 Dende & Porunga, the Third Wish-Common
BT20-102 Dende, Laying the Foundation-Common
BT20-079 Dr. Myuu, Vengeful Alliance-Common
BT20-136 Evil Aura Overflow-Uncommon
BT20-114 Evil Saiyan // Cumber, Maddening Force-Uncommon
BT20-129 Evil Saiyan, Incipient Malice-Uncommon
BT20-128 Evil Saiyan, Thirsting for Battle-Common
BT20-134 Explosion of Malice-Common
BT20-049 Frieza, Common Enemy-Common
BT20-009 Frieza, Pride of an Emperor-Uncommon
BT20-118 Fu, All According to Plan-Rare
BT20-116 Fu, Assembling the Strong-Uncommon
BT20-133 Fu, Scheming Overlord-Uncommon
BT20-082 Goku's Kamehameha Deflection-Rare
BT20-148 Golden Cooler, Radiant Pride-Secret Rare
BT20-120 Great Priest, Declaration of Annihilation-Common
BT20-075 Hell Fighter.21, Calculated Cruelty-Common
BT20-075 Hell Fighter.21, Calculated Cruelty-Common
BT20-076 Hell Fighter.21, the Brainwasher-Common
BT20-101 Hercule, Expecting the Unexpected-Common
BT20-089 Hercule, Rallying Hope-Uncommon
BT20-083 Ki Energy Absorb-Common
BT20-103 Kibito Kai, Potara on Display-Common
BT20-012 Koichiarator, Plan X Activation-Rare
BT20-007 Koichiarator, the Masterwork-Uncommon
BT20-014 Koitsukai, Team Attacker-Common
BT20-015 Koitsukai, Warrior of Universe 3-Rare
BT20-052 Krillin Helping His Family-Uncommon
BT20-038 Krillin, Absolute Guard-Uncommon
BT20-026 Krillin, Accel Dance-
BT20-037 Krillin, Defensive Battler-Common
BT20-039 Krillin, Gearing Up for Battle-Common
BT20-036 Krillin, Powers Expanded-Rare
BT20-126 Krillin, Powers Expanded-Common
BT20-085 Majin Buu // Majin Buu, Absorption Complete-Uncommon
BT20-088 Majin Buu, Apocalyptic Awakening-Uncommon
BT20-105 Majin Buu, Budding Evil-Common
BT20-110 Majin Buu, Desperate Defiance-Common
BT20-091 Majin Buu, Heart of Evil-Common
BT20-092 Majin Buu, Heart of Good-Common
BT20-108 Majin Buu, Intelligence Manifest-Common
BT20-109 Majin Buu, Nightmarish Glimpse-Common
BT20-106 Majin Buu, Power Manifest-Super Rare
BT20-107 Majin Buu, Talent Manifest-Uncommon
BT20-111 Majin Buu, the Innocent-Common
BT20-090 Majin Buu, Two Hearts-Uncommon
BT20-104 Majin Buu, Vile Onslaught-Super Rare
BT20-104 Majin Buu, Vile Onslaught-Special Rare
BT20-142 Nappa, Full-scale Attack-Rare
BT20-020 Narirama, Mechanical Tactician-Uncommon
BT20-067 Pan, Spirit of Resistance-Uncommon
BT20-016 Panchia, Team Attacker-Common
BT20-017 Panchia, Warrior of Universe 3-Common
BT20-002 Paparoni // Warriors of Universe 3, United as One-Uncommon
BT20-013 Paparoni, the Brains of Universe 3-Rare
BT20-022 Paparoni's Tactical Orders-Common
BT20-135 Prison Planet-Common
BT20-113 Shocking Regeneration-Common
BT20-004 Son Gohan, Daring Onslaught-Rare
BT20-065 Son Gohan, Spirit of Resistance-Common
BT20-138 Son Gohan, Strength of Conviction-Super Rare
BT20-064 Son Goku & Android 18, Vital Teamwork-Super Rare
BT20-064 Son Goku & Android 18, Vital Teamwork-Special Rare
BT20-054 Son Goku // SS4 Son Goku, Betting It All-Uncommon
BT20-056 Son Goku, Full-Strength Kamehameha-Uncommon
BT20-060 Son Goku, Golden Dragon Fist-Rare
BT20-087 Son Goku, Spirit Bomb Hope-Rare
BT20-066 Son Goten, Spirit of Resistance-Common
BT20-112 Spirit Bomb-Common
BT20-115 SS Cumber, Battle Frenzy-Uncommon
BT20-130 SS Cumber, Berserker Barrage-Super Rare
BT20-130 SS Cumber, Berserker Barrage-Special Rare
BT20-096 SS Son Goku & SS Vegeta, Ultimate Duo-Rare
BT20-121 SS Son Goku, Berserk Instincts-Super Rare
BT20-121 SS Son Goku, Berserk Instincts-Special Rare
BT20-086 SS Son Goku, Majin Showdown-Uncommon
BT20-035 SS Vegeta-Common
BT20-137 SS Vegeta, Immediate Response-Rare
BT20-097 SS Vegeta, Indomitable Spirit-Common
BT20-068 SS Vegeta, Spirit of Resistance-Rare
BT20-084 SS Vegito // Son Goku & Vegeta, Path to Victory-Uncommon
BT20-099 SS Vegito, Overwhelming Might-Super Rare
BT20-099 SS Vegito, Overwhelming Might-Special Rare
BT20-146 SS2 Kefla, Warming Up-Common
BT20-095 SS3 Son Goku, Universe at Stake-Super Rare
BT20-122 SS4 Son Goku, Otherworldly Infiltrator-Rare
BT20-062 SS4 Son Goku, Stygian Journey-Rare
BT20-063 SS4 Son Goku, to Hell and Back-Uncommon
BT20-034 SSB Gogeta, Blistering Barrage-Common
BT20-031 SSB Son Goku, Beyond Full Power-Common
BT20-032 SSB Vegeta, Beyond Full Power-Rare
BT20-125 SSB Vegito, Supreme Gleaming-Rare
BT20-008 SSG Son Goku-Common
BT20-003 SSG Son Goku, Rapidfire Response-Uncommon
BT20-058 Super.21, Bound by Blood-Uncommon
BT20-059 Super.21, Diabolical Union-Uncommon
BT20-074 Super.21, Hell's Avenger-Rare
BT20-073 Super.21, Onyx Lightning-Super Rare
BT20-073 Super.21, Onyx Lightning-Special Rare
BT20-057 Super.21, Ready to Absorb-Uncommon
BT20-124 Trunks, Prisoner From the Future-Common
BT20-069 Trunks, Spirit of Resistance-Common
BT20-140 Universe 7, Powers Combined-Super Rare
BT20-140 Universe 7, Powers Combined-Special Rare
BT20-053 Unstoppable Technique--Common
BT20-070 Uub-Common
BT20-123 Vegeta, Against All Odds-Rare
BT20-098 Vegeta, Buying Time-Rare
BT20-100 Vegito, Unexpected Separation-Uncommon
BT20-021 Viara-Common
BT20-147 You Are Number One-Secret Rare

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Updated 02/13/2025

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