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'Lost Villains TCG'
Trading Cards

Featured in World Games saga packs, the Lost Villains was based on the episode of the "Great Saiyaman Saga" where Goku and Pikkon fought against the various villains that were causing trouble in Hell. Personalities in this Subset included Frieza, Jeice, and King Cold. The Sensei card in this Subset was Grand Kai.

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LV1 King Cold, the Boastful (level 2)-Trunks Saga Foil $1.99
LV2 Frieza, the Untouchable (level 1)-Trunks Saga Foil sold out
LV3 Rats, Foiled Again! World Games Saga Foil $1.99
LV4 Grand Kai Sensei-World Games Saga Foil $3.99
LV5 Jeice, the Avenger-Trunks Saga Foil $2.99
LV6 Cell's Neck Grab-Cell Games Saga Foil sold out
LV7 Heroes En Masse-World Games Saga Foil $1.99

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Updated 02/13/2025

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