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Dragonball Z: Babidi Saga-trading cards
Dragonball Z
1st Edition
Babidi Saga

Trading Cards

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Babidi Saga unlimited cards
All cards are Near Mint/Light Play

Common Cards
1 Android 18's Iron Defense $0.39
2 Black Chained Strike $0.39
2 Black Chained Strike Foil $2.89
3 Black Palm Reversal $0.39
4 Black Personal Smack $0.39
4 Black Personal Smack Foil $2.89
5 Black Power Catch $0.39
6 Black Quick Kick $0.39
7 Blue Cape Swing $0.39
8 Blue Reflexes $0.39
9 Blue Shifting Maneuver sold out
10 Blue Speediness $0.39
10 Blue Speediness Foil $2.89
11 Combo $0.39
12 Entering the Arena $0.39
13 Hercule's Power Stance $0.39
13 Hercule's Power Stance Foil $2.89
14 Heroic Shoulder Slam $0.39
15 Majin Death Focus $0.39
15 Majin Death Focus Foil $2.89
16 Orange Crushing Kick $0.39
17 Orange Dodge $0.39
18 Orange Elbow Smash $0.39
19 Orange Firebreath $0.39
20 Orange Right Punch $0.39
21 Red Forearm Block $0.39
22 Red Resistance $0.39
23 Red Slide $0.39
24 Red Thrusting Beam $0.39
25 Red Uppercut $0.39
26 Saiyan Duck $0.39
27 Saiyan Energy Rupture $0.39
28 Saiyan Might $0.39
29 Saiyan Power Block $0.39
30 Saiyan Prepared Smash $0.39
31 Straining Counter Punch $0.39
Uncommon Cards
Complete Uncommon Set mint/near-non foil 1st edition $15.60
32 Android 18's Kneeing Drill sold out
33 Android 18's Pressure Routine $0.29
34 Android 18's Throwing Drill sold out
35 Majin Babidi's Ship sold out
36 Black Backstab $0.39
37 Black Conservation Drill $0.29
38 Black Face Crush $0.39
39 Black Pummeling Strike $0.29
40 Black Reverse Kick $0.39
41 Black Surprise Maneuver $0.39
42 Blue Destruction Beam $0.39
43 Blue Leverage sold out
44 Blue Palm Sphere sold out
45 Blue Prevention Drill $0.39
46 Blue Torso Strike sold out
47 Majin Vegeta (level 1)-Profile sold out
48 Chi-Chi's Cheering Drill $0.29
49 Majin Dabura's Offensive Leverage $0.39
50 Majin Dabura's Petrifying Spit sold out
51 Energy Empowerment Drill $0.39
52 Energy Storage Drill $0.39
53 Goku's Berserk sold out
54 Goku's Shifted Balance Drill $0.29
55 Goten's Flying Drill sold out
56 Hercule, the World Champion (level 2)-Profile sold out
57 Majin Vegeta, the Evil (level 2)-Profile sold out
58 In the Groove $0.39
59 Majin Buu's Egg Drill $0.39
60 Majin Defense Drill $0.29
61 Majin Lightning Hit sold out
62 Majin Power Deflection $0.39
63 Majin Power Drill $0.39
64 Majin Power Shift sold out
65 Majin Pui Pui (level 1)-Profile $0.49
66 Majin Pui Pui , the Henchman (level 2)-Profile $2.49
67 Majin Babidi (level 1)-Profile sold out
68 Majin Vegeta's Frantic Attack sold out
69 Majin Vegeta's Powerful Drill $0.29
70 Majin Yakon (level 1)-Profile $2.49
71 Majin Yakon, the Monster (level 2)-Profile sold out
72 Majin Babidi, the Wizard (level 2)-Profile $2.79
73 Majin Dabura (level 1)-Profile sold out
74 Orange Critical Hit $0.39
75 Orange High Block sold out
76 Orange Body Kick $0.39
77 Orange Surprise Reaction sold out
78 Orange Temple Strike sold out
79 Paper, Rock, Scissors $0.49
80 Red Energy Outburst $0.29
81 Majin Dabura, King of Fighting (level 2)-Profile sold out
82 Red Air Kick sold out
83 Red Physical Drill $0.29
84 Splash Damage Drill $0.29
85 Surprising Strength Drill $0.29
86 Red Tilted Punch   sold out
87 Saiyan Chin Kick sold out
88 Saiyan Movement sold out
89 Saiyan Aura Blast $0.39
90 Saiyan Suspended Blast $0.09
91 Majin Vegeta's Rage $0.29
92 Videl, Tournament Ready (level 2)-Profile sold out
Rare Cards
93 Android 18, the Mom (level 2)-Profile $2.99
94 Majin Babidi's Power Extension $1.39
95 Black Pivot Kick sold out
96 Blue Energy Dive $1.19
97 Daughter's Joy $1.19
98 Gohan, Energized (level 1)-Profile sold out
99 Goku, the Legendary (level 5)-Profile sold out
100 Hercule's Close Save $1.89
101 Heroic Force $1.89
102 Initiative sold out
103 M $1.19
104 Majin Pui Pui, the Flashy (level 3)-Profile $2.89
105 Majin Yakon, the Absorber (level 3)-Profile $2.89
106 Majin Babidi, the Evil Genius (level 3)-Profile $2.89
107 Orange Backstab $1.49
108 Red Face Slap sold out
109 Majin Dabura, Meditated (level 3)-Profile sold out
110 Majin Quickness $1.19
111 Blue Trapped Strike $1.49
112 Heroic Sword Catch $1.89
113 Majin Vegeta, Uncontrollable (level 3)-Profile sold out
114 Majin Vegeta, the Malicious (level 4)-Profile sold out
115 Orange Rapid Attack $2.99
116 Red Energy Rings   sold out
117 Red Meditation Drill $1.19
118 Red Sniping Shot sold out
119 Risky Maneuver sold out
120 Saiyan Headshot sold out
121 Supreme Kai, the Mentor (level 2)-Profile $1.19
Ultra Rare Cards
122 Majin Vegeta (level 1) sold out
123 Majin Vegeta, the Malevolent (level 5) Alt. Foil sold out

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Updated 02/13/2025

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