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Dragonball Z Judge/Volunteer Trading Cards
Judge/Volunteer Rewards Promo
Trading Cards
Judge Promos: These cards were available as rewards to Score Entertainment game judges.
Note: There is no J2, a story you can read about by clicking here

J1 Fatherly Advice-Androids sold out
J2 Blue Backbreaker-Cell Games sold out
J3 Excessive Aggression-Androids sold out
K1 King Kai (level 1) Uber rare sold out
K2 King Kai (level 2) Uber rare sold out
K3 King Kai (level 3) Uber rare sold out
K4 Gohan's Power Hit sold out
K5 Trunk's Speedy Flight sold out
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Updated 02/13/2025

Largest Online English Dragonball Trading Card Selection!

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