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Panini Dragonball 2016 Perfection trading cards
Dragon Ball Trading Card Game
Panini Edition
RARE Trading Cards
RELEASED: February 2016

All cards are light play/near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

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R101 Master Roshi’s Slumber $0.59
R102 Master Roshi’s Back Strike $0.59
R103 Yamcha’s Expert Assistance $0.59
R104 Yamcha’s Rescue $0.59
R105 Android 16’s Tranquility $0.59
R106 Android 16’s Rocket Punch $0.59
R107 Cell’s Draining Attack sold out
R108 Cell’s Style sold out
R109 Tenshinhan’s Tri-Beam $0.59
R110 Trunks’ Slam $0.59
R111 Aggressive Sword Drill sold out
R112 Clash of Wills $0.89
R113 Dashing Sword Attack sold out
R114 Heroic Jab sold out
R114 Heroic Jab-Foil $1.99
R115 Overwhelming Power $0.59
R116 Black Discovery $0.59
R117 Black Choke $0.59
R118 Black Double Team $0.89
R119 Black Extreme Blast sold out
R120 Blue Training $0.59
R121 Blue Head Charge $0.89
R122 Blue Restraint $0.59
R123 Blue Toss $0.59
R124 Namekian Back Smash $0.59
R125 Namekian Energized Bash $0.59
R126 Namekian Face Crush $0.59
R127 Namekian Resilience $0.59
R128 Orange Hoping Drill $0.89
R129 Orange Ki Ball $0.59
R130 Orange Overflowing Burst sold out
R131 Orange Right Beam $0.59
R132 Red Channel Surfing Drill $0.89
R133 Red Aerial Assault $0.59
R133 Red Aerial Assault-Foil $1.99
R134 Red Back Bash $0.59
R135 Red Downward Burst $0.59
R136 Red Powerful Strike $0.59
R137 Saiyan Extreme Training $0.59
R138 Saiyan Charged Kick $0.59
R139 Saiyan Ki Burst $0.59
R140 Saiyan Overhead Flare $0.89
UR141 Power Mimic sold out
UR142 Heroic Dashing Punch sold out
DR1 Cell - Imperfect sold out
DR1A Cell - Imperfect sold out
DR2 Cell - Semi-Perfect sold out
DR3 Cell - Perfect sold out
DR4 Cell - Unstoppable sold out

---1 3

Updated 02/13/2025

Largest Online English Dragonball Trading Card Selection!

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