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Dragonball Ball Super Card Game Cross Worlds-Extreme Evolution
Dragonball Super Card Game: Destroyer Kings single cards
Super Card Game:
BT6 Destroyer Kings
trading cards

RELEASED: April 12, 2019

Destroyer Kings is the sixth set for the Dragon Ball Super card game. It focuses on the Broly movie released earlier in the year and introduces Destroyer cards.
Following Destroyer Kings and is followed by Assault of the Saiyans.

The set consists of.237 cards
60 Commons
30 Uncommons
18 Rares
11 Super Rares
2 Secret Rares
5 Destruction Rares +11 Special Rares

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

BT6-075 A Kind Wish-Common $0.23
BT6-123 Android.23, Agent of Destruction-Rare
BT6-126 Arcane Absorption Majin Buu-Secret Rare
BT6-101 Arrival of the Space Pirates-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-047 Babidi, Overseer of Destruction-Rare
BT6-073 Beets-Common $0.23
BT6-119 Berryblue, the Negotiator-Common $0.18
BT6-114 Bonds of Friendship Android 8-Common $0.23
BT6-080 Boujack // Boujack, the Pirate Captain-Uncommon $0.18
BT6-080 Boujack // Boujack, the Pirate Captain-Uncommon Foil $0.32
BT6-124 Boujack, Agent of Destruction-Destruction Rare $0.28
BT6-093 Boujack, the Plunderer-Super Rare
BT6-039 Bring Back Buu-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-076 Broly Control Mechanism-Uncommon $0.18
BT6-062 Broly, Berserker Origins-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-062 Broly, Berserker Origins-Uncommon Foil $0.32
BT6-060 Broly, Limits Transcended-Super Rare
BT6-060 Broly, Limits Transcended-Special Rare
BT6-061 Broly, Power Unleashed-Rare Foil $0.39
BT6-074 Broly, the Supreme Berserker-Super Rare
BT6-074 Broly, the Supreme Berserker-Special Rare
BT6-125 Broly, Ultimate Agent of Destruction-Secret Rare
BT6-063 Broly, Unrealized Ambition-Common $0.18
BT6-011 Bulma, from the Sidelines-Common $0.23
BT6-039 Buu Buu Volleyball SS3 Gotenks-Common $0.18
BT6-054 Cheelai and Lemo // Cheelai and Lemo, the Kindhearted-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-113 Commander Red, Head of the RR Army-Rare
BT6-041 Dabura-Common $0.23
BT6-058 Dawn of Evil-Common $0.23
BT6-051 Dende // Son Goku, Energy Restored-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-027 Dependable Saiyan Trunks-Common $0.23
BT6-083 Display of Power Son Gohan-Rare
BT6-083 Display of Power Son Gohan-Rare Foil $0.39
BT6-119 Eighter Aid-Common $0.23
BT6-083 Energy Barrage Frieza-Rare
BT6-089 Fatherly Love Saves the Day-Common $0.23
BT6-104 Fearless Assault Krillin-Common $0.23
BT6-104 Fearless Assault Krillin-Common Foil $0.32
BT6-082 Finishing Blow Son Gohan-Super Rare
BT6-082 Finishing Blow Son Gohan-Special Rare
BT6-049 Fount of Spirit-Common $0.23
BT6-117 Four-Star Ball-Rare
BT6-002 Frieza // Golden Frieza, the Majestic Emperor-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-118 Frieza, the Finisher-Rare Foil $0.39
BT6-103 Full-Power Kamehameha-Common
BT6-058 Godgrace Whis-Common $0.23
BT6-057 Godstrike Beerus-Common $0.23
BT6-015 Gogeta, Unparalleled Fusion Warrior-Rare Foil $0.39
BT6-038 Gokule, the Ultimate Option-Common $0.23
BT6-017 Golden Frieza, Indomitable Emperor-Super Rare
BT6-017 Golden Frieza, Indomitable Emperor-Special Rare
BT6-070 Goliamite, the New Breed-Common $0.23
BT6-003 Harmonic Energy SSB Son Goku-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-003 Harmonic Energy SSB Son Goku-Uncommon-Magnificent Collection $0.21
BT6-003 Harmonic Energy SSB Son Goku-Uncommon Foil $0.72
BT6-007 Harmonic Energy SSB Vegeta-Uncommon
BT6-040 Hercule, Smile and Nod-Common $0.23
BT6-087 Hercule, the Champion-Common
BT6-085 Impenetrable Defense Trunks-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-026 Is That All You've Got?-Common $0.23
BT6-121 Janemba, Agent of Destruction-Rare
BT6-022 Kikono, the Fledgeling-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-023 Live to Fight Another Day-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-122 Lord Slug, Agent of Destruction-Rare
BT6-021 Loyal Kikono-Common $0.23
BT6-028 Majin Buu // Majin Buu, Ability Absorber-Uncommon $0.16
BT6-028 Majin Buu // Majin Buu, Ability Absorber-Uncommon Foil $0.25
BT6-046 Majin Buu, Prelude to Villainy-Common $0.23
BT6-043 Majin Buu, the Intensifying Evil-Rare
BT6-010 Master Roshi, Strict Instructor-Common $0.23
BT6-112 Mercenary Tao, Ruthless Trainer-Common $0.16
BT6-102 Merciless Farewell-Common $0.23
BT6-098 Merciless Strike Zangya-Common
BT6-024 New Model Scouter-Common $0.23
BT6-053 Paragus // Paragus, Father of the Demon-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-065 Paragus, Deadly Premonition-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-064 Paragus, Rampage Trigger-Super Rare Foil $0.63
BT6-064 Paragus, Rampage Trigger-Special Rare
BT6-016 Piccolo-Common
BT6-088 Piccolo, the Resolute-Common $0.23
BT6-004 Preemptive Strike SSG Son Goku-Common $0.23
BT6-004 Preemptive Strike SSG Son Goku-Common-Magnificent Collection $0.21
BT6-008 Preemptive Strike SSG Vegeta-Common
BT6-042 Prodigious Absorption Majin Buu-Super Rare
BT6-042 Prodigious Absorption Majin Buu-Special Rare
BT6-066 Quickshift Angila-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-020 Quickshift Berryblue-Uncommon
BT6-095 Quickshift Gokua-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-095 Quickshift Gokua-Uncommon Foil $0.32
BT6-108 Quickshift Krillin-Uncommon
BT6-045 Quickshift Majin Buu-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-116 Restore the Universes!-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-031 Saiyan Duo Son Goku-Common $0.21
BT6-034 Saiyan Duo Vegeta-Common $0.23
BT6-079 Son Gohan // Untapped Power SS2 Son Gohan-Uncommon $0.21
BT6-032 Son Gohan, Ability Attained-Common $0.23
BT6-084 Son Gohan, Ready for a Match-Common $0.23
BT6-105 Son Goku // Bonds of Friendship Son Goku-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-001 Son Goku and Vegeta // SSB Gogeta, Fusion Perfected-Uncommon $0.21
BT6-001 Son Goku and Vegeta // SSB Gogeta, Fusion Perfected-Uncommon Foil $0.24
BT6-081 Son Goku, Guardian Angel-Rare
BT6-081 Son Goku, Guardian Angel-Rare Foil $0.25
BT6-005 Son Goku, Prepping for Fusion-Common $0.23
BT6-005 Son Goku, Prepping for Fusion-Common-Magnificent Collection $0.21
BT6-030 Son Goku, Spirit Forger-Common $0.23
BT6-107 Son Goku, the Adventure Begins-Super Rare
BT6-107 Son Goku, the Adventure Begins-Special Rare
BT6-099 Space Pirate Bido-Common $0.21
BT6-094 Space Pirate Boujack-Rare Foil $0.25
BT6-100 Space Pirate Bujin-Common $0.21
BT6-096 Space Pirate Gokua-Uncommon
BT6-097 Space Pirate Zangya-Rare
BT6-097 Space Pirate Zangya-Rare Foil $0.41
BT6-071 Speedy Entrance Cheelai-Rare
BT6-072 Speedy Partner Lemo-Rare
BT6-042 Spirit Sword-Common $0.23
BT6-055 SS Son Goku, Exploding with Energy-Common $0.23
BT6-056 SS Vegeta, Exploding with Energy-Common $0.23
BT6-029 SS3 Son Goku, Pushing Forward-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-029 SS3 Son Goku, Pushing Forward-Uncommon-Magnificent Collection $0.21
BT6-014 SSB Gogeta, Fusion Onslaught-Super Rare Foil $0.98
BT6-014 SSB Gogeta, Fusion Onslaught-Special Rare
BT6-118 Super Dragon Ball-Common $0.23
BT6-106 Super Dragon Balls // Super Shenron, the Almighty-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-115 Super Shenron, Ultimate Wishmaster-Super Rare
BT6-115 Super Shenron, Ultimate Wishmaster-Special Rare
BT6-006 Support Attack Son Goten-Common $0.23
BT6-010 Support Attack Trunks-Common $0.23
BT6-090 Tien Shinhan-Common $0.23
BT6-111 Tien Shinhan, Returning Fire-Common
BT6-069 Ties that Bind Ba-Common $0.23
BT6-077 Tragic Awakening-Common $0.23
BT6-109 Training Buddy Krillin-Rare
BT6-025 Transcendent Strike-Common $0.23
BT6-041 Ultimate Absorption Majin Buu-Super Rare
BT6-041 Ultimate Absorption Majin Buu-Special Rare
BT6-044 Unadulterated Evil Majin Buu-Common $0.23
BT6-120 Vegeta, Agent of Destruction-Rare
BT6-033 Vegeta, Penitent Martyr-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-009 Vegeta, Prepping for Fusion-Common $0.23
BT6-009 Vegeta, Prepping for Fusion-Common Foil $0.32
BT6-035 Vegito, at Full Throttle-Rare Foil $0.25
BT6-036 Vegito, Powers Combined-Common $0.23
BT6-037 Vegito, World's Strongest Candy-Rare Foil $0.43
BT6-012 Veku, Contents Under Pressure-Rare Foil $0.42
BT6-013 Veku, the Fragile-Common $0.23
BT6-067 Wings, the Morale Booster-Uncommon $0.23
BT6-078 Wrathful Charge-Common $0.23
BT6-078 Wrathful Charge-Common Foil $0.25
BT6-092 X. S. Cash, the Gazillionaire-Common $0.23
BT6-091 Yamcha, Ready to Brawl-Common $0.23
BT6-091 Yamcha, Ready to Brawl-Common Foil $0.25
BT6-068 Zeiun, the Loyal-Common $0.12

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Updated 02/13/2025

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