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Dragonball Ball Super Card Game
Dragonball Super Card Game: Clash of Fates single cards
Super Card Game:
TB3 Clash of Fates
Trading Cards

RELEASED: January 18, 2019

Total 125 cards
30 Commons (normal or foil)
18 Uncommons (normal or foil)
10 Rares / 6 Super Rares /
8 Special Rares / 1 Secret Rare /
4 Feature Rares

All cards are near mint condition unless otherwise stated.

TB3-056 Ancient Wisdom Guru-Common
TB3-062 Assimilate-Common
TB3-062 Assimilate-Common Foil $0.38
TB3-018 Bardock // Bardock, Hope of the Saiyans-Uncommon
TB3-006 Body Change Ginyu-Rare Foil $0.38
TB3-006 Body Change Ginyu-Special Rare
TB3-029 Burnished Bonds Borgos-Common $0.21
TB3-026 Burnished Bonds Fasha-Rare
TB3-028 Burnished Bonds Shugesh-Common
TB3-024 Burnished Bonds Tora-Rare
TB3-060 Cargo, Namekian Youth-Common
TB3-045 Cheelai, the Beautiful-Feature Rare
TB3-044 Dende-Common
TB3-049 Dende // Piccolo, Brimming with Confidence-Uncommon $0.16
TB3-011 Dodoria, the Expendable-Uncommon $0.21
TB3-064 Dragon Ball // Porunga, Saviour of Namekians-Uncommon
TB3-033 Dream the Future-Common $0.21
TB3-033 Dream the Future-Common Foil $0.27
TB3-041 Ever-Dependable Bulma-Common
TB3-004 Evolutionary Process Frieza-Uncommon $0.16
TB3-002 Final Showdown Frieza-Rare Foil $0.87
TB3-002 Final Showdown Frieza-Special Rare
TB3-035 Final Showdown Son Goku-Super Rare
TB3-035 Final Showdown Son Goku-Special Rare
TB3-019 Final Strike Bardock-Super Rare
TB3-019 Final Strike Bardock-Special Rare
TB3-043 Fledgling Duo Krillin-Uncommon
TB3-038 Fledgling Duo Son Gohan-Common
TB3-001 Frieza // Frieza, Metamorphic Threat-Uncommon
TB3-047 Frieza Army Healing Pod-Rare
TB3-069 Frieza, Army Reborn-Secret Rare
TB3-005 Frieza, Overture to Battle-Common $0.16
TB3-003 Frieza, Storm of Blows-Rare Foil $0.87
TB3-016 Frieza's Spaceship-Uncommon
TB3-031 Future Punch-Common
TB3-020 Gine, Mother of Hope-Uncommon
TB3-036 Hyperspeed Son Goku-Uncommon
TB3-022 Kakarot, Bearer of Fate-Common
TB3-052 Krillin, Ability Unleashed-Common
TB3-057 Life or Death Nail-Rare
TB3-058 Nail, Pride of Namek-Uncommon $0.16
TB3-055 Namekian Solidarity Piccolo-Uncommon
TB3-066 Newfound Power Porunga-Super Rare
TB3-066 Newfound Power Porunga-Special Rare
TB3-065 No Escape Son Goku-Common $0.16
TB3-021 Paralysis Technique-Common $0.16
TB3-042 Persistent Assault Krillin-Rare
TB3-053 Piccolo, Fused with Nail-Super Rare
TB3-053 Piccolo, Fused with Nail-Special Rare
TB3-054 Piccolo, Potential Unleashed-Rare
TB3-027 Planetary Invader Fasha-Uncommon
TB3-025 Planetary Invader Tora-Uncommon
TB3-046 Plea for Salvation-Common $0.16
TB3-067 Porunga's Dragon Ball-Common
TB3-048 Preemptive Strike-Uncommon
TB3-023 Prince Vegeta-Common
TB3-015 Recoome Ultra Fighting Bomber-Common
TB3-063 Solar Flare-Common
TB3-050 Son Gohan-Common
TB3-034 Son Goku // Son Goku, The Legendary Super Saiyan-Uncommon $0.16
TB3-021 Son Goku, Striving to be the Best-Feature Rare
TB3-014 Strategic Mind Kikono-Feature Rare
TB3-008 Strikeforce Burter-Common $0.16
TB3-010 Strikeforce Guldo-Common $0.16
TB3-009 Strikeforce Jeice-Common $0.16
TB3-007 Strikeforce Recoome-Uncommon $0.16
TB3-012 Super Zarbon-Common
TB3-040 Tactical Victory Vegeta-Common
TB3-037 Tenacious Spirit Son Gohan-Super Rare
TB3-037 Tenacious Spirit Son Gohan-Special Rare
TB3-030 Toolo, the Seer-Common
TB3-032 Tora's Red Armband-Rare
TB3-032 Tora's Red Armband-Special Rare
TB3-061 Twin Revival-Uncommon
TB3-039 Vegeta, Fully Recovered-Common
TB3-051 Vegeta, Striving to be the Best-Feature Rare Foil $0.49
TB3-068 Wish to Porunga-Common
TB3-059 Wishmaker Dende-Rare
TB3-013 Zarbon, Hidden Potential-Common

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Updated 02/13/2025

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