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Dragonball Z Majin Buu Saga trading cards
Dragonball Z
Buu Saga
Trading Cards


Majin Buu is a genie-like magical life form created by the evil warlock Bibidi that terrorized galaxies by destroying entire planets, millions of years before the events of Dragon Ball take place.

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Card Grading Guide
1st Edition Buu Saga
All cards are light play/near mint
Common Cards
1 Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 1 $0.26
1 Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 1 Foil $3.99
2 Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 2 $0.26
2 Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 2 Foil $3.99
3 Black Arm Stretch $0.29
3 Black Arm Stretch Foil $2.26
4 Black Head Crush $0.29
5 Black Floating Popo Defense   sold out
6 Blue Diving Energy Drop sold out
7 Blue Healing Ray $0.29
8 Blue High Block $0.29
8 Blue High Block Foil $2.39
9 Blue Slam $0.29
9 Blue Slam Foil $2.26
10 Carpet Attack Technique sold out
11 Energy Gathering $0.29
11 Energy Gathering Foil $2.26
12 Focused Sword Strike $0.29
13 Gohan's Sword Slash $0.39
14 Gohan's Sword Sweep $0.29
15 Gohan's Sword Thrust $0.29
16 Goku's Power Attack $0.29
17 Heroic Quick Kick sold out
17 Heroic Quick Kick Foil $1.39
18 Horrified $0.29
19 Krillin's Flight $0.29
19 Krillin's Flight Foil $2.26
20 Majin Demise $0.29
21 Majin Hand Clap $0.29
21 Majin Hand Clap Foil $2.26
22 Orange Chin Break $0.29
22 Orange Chin Break Foil $2.26
23 Orange Energy Catch $0.29
23 Orange Energy Catch Foil $2.26
24 Orange Energy Guard $0.29
25 Orange Spy Drill $0.29
26 Red Ball Throw $0.31
26 Red Ball Throw Foil $2.26
27 Red Fastball $0.29
27 Red Fastball Foil $2.26
28 Red Fist Catch $0.32
29 Red Passive Block $0.29
30 Red Power Block $0.29
30 Red Power Block Foil $2.26
31 Red Vigor Orb $0.29
31 Red Vigor Orb Foil $2.26
32 Saiyan Energy Deflection $0.29
33 Saiyan Hand Swipe $0.29
34 Saiyan Snap Kick $0.26
35 Saiyan Direct Strike $0.32
36 Underwater Kick $0.29
36 Underwater Kick Foil $2.26
37 West City sold out
Uncommon Cards
38 Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 3 sold out
39 Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 4 sold out
40 Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 5 sold out
41 Bee (level 1) sold out
42 Black Face Smash sold out
42 Black Face Smash Foil $1.49
43 Black Gambit sold out
44 Black Gravity Drop sold out
45 Black Heroic Side Kick $0.29
46 Black Overhead Smack $0.29
47 Black Secret   sold out
48 Black Snap Kick $0.29
48 Black Snap Kick Foil $2.26
49 Black Weakness Drill   sold out
50 Blue Devastation sold out
50 Blue Devastation Foil $2.26
51 Blue Belly Kick   sold out
51 Blue Belly Kick Foil $2.26
52 Blue Draining Blast $0.29
53 Blue Energy Cannon sold out
53 Blue Energy Cannon Foil $2.26
54 Blue Eye Gouge $0.29
55 Blue Friendship sold out
56 Blue Gambit $0.29
57 Blue Head Kick $0.29
57 Blue Head Kick Foil $2.26
58 Blue Protective Bubble sold out
59 Blue Stomach Smash $0.29
60 Blue Upward Block $0.29
61 City Ablaze sold out
62 Cookie! sold out
63 Energy Ricochet $0.29
64 Flight Training $0.29
64 Flight Training Foil $2.26
65 Gohan's Swordplay Drill   sold out
66 Goku Swiftly Moving   sold out
67 Goku's Escape sold out
68 Healing Magic sold out
69 Hercule's Underground Training $0.29
70 Heroic Head Kick $0.29
70 Heroic Head Kick Foil $2.26
71 Heroic Kamehameha $0.29
72 Krillin, Z Warrior (level 2)-Profile sold out
73 Majin Buu's House sold out
74 Majin Buu's Invincibility sold out
75 Majin Buu's Magical Ray sold out
76 Majin Buu's Stomach Throw $0.29
76 Majin Buu's Stomach Throw Foil $2.26
77 Majin Head Blow $0.29
78 Namekian Gambit sold out
79 Namekian Shield Destruction sold out
80 Namekian Shuto   sold out
81 Orange Car Push $0.29
81 Orange Car Push Foil $2.26
82 Orange Face Breaker sold out
83 Orange Face Crunch $0.29
83 Orange Face Crunch Foil $2.26
84 Orange Flight $0.29
84 Orange Flight Foil $2.26
85 Orange Gambit sold out
86 Orange Hiding Drill $0.29
87 Orange Mouth Shot $0.29
87 Orange Mouth Shot Foil $2.26
88 Orange Right Hook $0.29
89 Orange Sneak Attack sold out
89 Orange Sneak Attack Foil $2.26
90 Orange Trick Shot $0.29
90 Orange Trick Shot Foil $2.26
91 Physical Defense Drill $0.29
91 Physical Defense Drill Foil $2.26
92 Red Arm Swipe $0.29
92 Red Arm Swipe Foil $2.26
93 Red Force Punch $0.29
93 Red Force Punch Foil $2.26
94 Red Front Jab $0.29
94 Red Front Jab Foil $2.26
95 Red Gambit sold out
96 Red Joker Drill $0.29
97 Red Overhead Crush sold out
98 Red Pressure Technique $0.29
98 Red Pressure Technique Foil $2.26
99 Red Spiked Blast $0.29
99 Red Spiked Blast Foil $2.26
100 Saiyan Assault $0.29
101 Saiyan Energy Bomb sold out
102 Saiyan Concentration Blast sold out
103 Saiyan Gambit   sold out
104 Saiyan Hurricane Kick sold out
105 Saiyan Ki Ball sold out
106 Saiyan Onslaught sold out
107 Saiyan Overwhelming Drill   sold out
108 Saiyan Power Beam sold out
109 Saiyan Strength Blast sold out
110 The Other World $0.29
110 The Other World Foil $2.26
111 Vegeta's Sacrifice sold out
112 Whiplash $0.29
112 Whiplash Foil $2.26
113 Z Sword Plateau sold out
114 Majin Buu (level 4)-Profile sold out
Rare Cards
115 Korin (level 1)-Profile $2.89
116 Goku, Super Saiyan Ascended (level 4)-Profile

sold out
117 Kid Trunks (level 4)-Profile sold out
118 Goten (level 4)-Profile $2.89
119 Majin Dabura, D.O.A. (level 4)-Profile $0.99
120 Majin Babidi (level 4)-Profile $0.99
121 Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 6 sold out
122 Alt. Dende Dragon Ball 7 sold out
123 Black Front Punch $2.89
124 Black Right Kick $0.99
125 Black Royal Flush Drill $2.79
126 Black Style Mastery sold out
127 Blue Electrical Gunk $2.49
128 Blue Style Mastery $3.99
129 Deal! $2.89
130 Dende (level 3)-Profile $3.99
131 Freestyle Mastery sold out
132 Gotenks' Flight $0.99
132 Gotenks' Flight Alt.Foil $2.99
133 Hercule (level 3)-Profile $2.26
134 Losing Battle $2.49
134 Losing Battle Alt.Foil $3.99
135 Majin Buu's Body Slam $0.59
135 Majin Buu's Body Slam Alt.Foil $2.26
136 Majin Buu's Charged Attack $2.49
137 Majin Buu's Flight $2.49
137 Majin Buu's Flight Alt.Foil $3.99
138 Elder Kai Sensei $2.89
139 Namekian Style Mastery $2.26
140 Oolong (level 1)-Profile $2.49
141 Orange Destruction Ball $2.49
141 Orange Destruction Ball Alt.Foil $3.99
142 Orange Style Mastery sold out
143 Red Cross Punch $0.59
144 Red Style Mastery $2.29
145 Saiyan Pressure Technique $2.49
146 Saiyan Style Mastery sold out
147 Supreme Kai's Help $0.59
148 Supreme Kai's Ki Push $2.49
149 The Fusion Dance $2.89
Ultra-Rare Cards
150 The Eternal Dragon's Quest sold out
151 Majin Buu (level 5)-Profile Alt.Foil sold out
152 Goku, Super Saiyan 3 (level 5) Alt.Foil sold out
153 Master Roshi Sensei sold out
154 Gotenks (level 1)-Uber Rare HighTech

sold out

Gotenks, Super Saiyan (level 2)-Uber Rare

HighTech   sold out
Personality Cards
156 Goku (level 1) sold out
157 Goku, Super Saiyan (level 2) sold out
158 Goku, Super Saiyan 2 (level 3) sold out
159/160 Goku (level 1)
Goku (level 2)
GateFold sold out
161 Gohan (level 1) sold out
162 Gohan (level 2) sold out
163 Gohan, Mystic Training (level 3) sold out
164/165 Gohan (level 1)
Gohan (level 2)
GateFold sold out
166 Kid Trunks (level 1) $0.69
166 Kid Trunks (level 1)-Alt Print $0.69
167 Kid Trunks (level 2) sold out
168 Kid Trunks (level 3) sold out
169/170 Kid Trunks (level 2)
Kid Trunks (level 3)
GateFold sold out
171 Goten (level 1) sold out
172 Goten (level 2) sold out
173 Goten (level 3) sold out
174/175 Goten (level 1)
Goten (level 2)
GateFold sold out
176 Piccolo (level 1) sold out
177 Piccolo (level 2) sold out
178 Piccolo (level 3) sold out
179 Piccolo (level 2) HighTech sold out
180 Majin Dabura (level 1) sold out
181 Majin Dabura (level 2) $5.99
182 Majin Dabura (level 3) sold out
183 Majin Dabura (level 2) HighTech sold out
184 Majin Babidi (level 1) sold out
185 Majin Babidi (level 2) sold out
186 Majin Babidi (level 3) sold out
187/188 Majin Babidi (level 1)
Majin Babidi (level 2)
GateFold sold out
189 Majin Vegeta (level 1) sold out
190 Majin Vegeta (level 2) sold out
191 Majin Vegeta (level 3) sold out
192/193 Majin Vegeta (level 1)
Majin Vegeta (level 2)
GateFold sold out
194 Majin Buu (level 1) sold out
195 Majin Buu, the Rotund (level 2) $3.99
196 Majin Buu, Pink People Eater (level 3) sold out
197/198 Majin Buu (level 1)
Majin Buu (level 1)
GateFold sold out
199/200 Majin Buu (level 2)/
Majin Buu (level 2)
GateFold sold out
201 Earth Dragon Ball 3 $0.49
Battle Simulator Cards
BP1 Goku (Level 1) $2.49
BP2 Goku, Super Saiyan (Level 2) $2.49
BP3 Majin Buu (Level 1) $2.49

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Updated 02/13/2025

Largest Online English Dragonball Trading Card Selection!

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