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Dragonball Z Babidi Saga trading cards
Dragonball Z

Babidi Saga
Trading Cards


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1st edition Babidi Saga
All cards are light play/near mint

Common Cards
Complete Common Set mint/near-non foil 1-31 $6.99
1 Android 18's Iron Defense $0.36
1 Android 18's Iron Defense Foil $2.89
2 Black Chained Strike $0.36
2 Black Chained Strike Foil $2.89
3 Black Palm Reversal $0.36
4 Android 18's Iron Defense $0.36
4 Android 18's Iron Defense Foil $2.89
5 Black Power Catch $0.36
6 Black Quick Kick $0.36
6 Black Quick Kick Foil $2.89
7 Blue Cape Swing $0.36
8 Blue Reflexes sold out
8 Blue Reflexes Foil $2.89
9 Blue Shifting Maneuver $0.36
10 Blue Speediness $0.36
10 Blue Speediness Foil $2.29
11 Combo $0.36
12 Entering the Arena $0.36
13 Hercule's Power Stance   sold out
13 Hercule's Power Stance Foil $2.89
14 Heroic Shoulder Slam $0.36
15 Majin Death Focus $0.36
15 Majin Death Focus Foil $2.89
16 Orange Crushing Kick $0.36
17 Orange Dodge $0.36
17 Orange Dodge Foil $2.49
18 Orange Elbow Smash $0.36
18 Orange Elbow Smash Foil $2.89
19 Orange Firebreath $0.36
20 Orange Right Punch $0.36
21 Red Forearm Block $0.36
21 Red Forearm Block Foil $2.89
22 Red Resistance $0.36
23 Red Slide $0.36
23 Red Slide Foil $2.89
24 Red Thrusting Beam $0.33
24 Red Thrusting Beam Foil $2.89
25 Red Uppercut $0.36
25 Red Uppercut Foil $2.89
26 Saiyan Duck $0.36
26 Saiyan Duck Foil $2.89
27 Saiyan Energy Rupture $0.36
27 Saiyan Energy Rupture Foil $2.89
28 Saiyan Might $2.49
29 Saiyan Power Block $0.36
30 Saiyan Prepared Smash $0.36
30 Saiyan Prepared Smash Foil $2.89
31 Straining Counter Punch $0.36
31 Straining Counter Punch Foil $2.89
Uncommon Cards
32 Android 18's Kneeing Drill sold out
33 Android 18's Pressure Routine sold out
34 Android 18's Throwing Drill $0.29
34 Android 18's Throwing Drill Foil $2.89
35 Majin Babidi's Ship sold out
36 Black Backstab   sold out
37 Black Conservation Drill   sold out
38 Black Face Crush-L/P $0.29
39 Black Pummeling Strike sold out
40 Black Reverse Kick $0.32
41 Black Surprise Maneuver sold out
42 Blue Destruction Beam $0.29
42 Blue Destruction Beam Foil $2.89
43 Blue Leverage-L/P $0.36
44 Blue Palm Sphere $0.36
44 Blue Palm Sphere Foil $2.89
45 Blue Prevention Drill $0.29
45 Blue Prevention Drill Foil $2.89
46 Blue Torso Strike sold out
47 Majin Vegeta (level 1)-Profile sold out
48 Chi-Chi's Cheering Drill $0.19
48 Chi-Chi's Cheering Drill Foil $2.89
49 Majin Dabura's Offensive Leverage $0.36
49 Majin Dabura's Offensive Leverage Foil $2.89
50 Majin Dabura's Petrifying Spit $0.59
51 Energy Empowerment Drill $0.57
51 Energy Empowerment Drill Foil $1.59
52 Energy Storage Drill sold out
52 Energy Storage Drill Foil $2.89
53 Goku's Berserk $0.32
54 Goku's Shifted Balance Drill sold out
54 Goku's Shifted Balance Drill Foil $2.89
55 Goten's Flying Drill sold out
55 Goten's Flying Drill Foil $2.89
56 Hercule, the World Champion (level 2)-Profile $0.59
57 Majin Vegeta, the Evil (level 2)-Profile $0.32
58 In the Groove   sold out
58 In the Groove Foil $2.89
59 Majin Buu's Egg Drill sold out
60 Majin Defense Drill sold out
61 Majin Lightning Hit sold out
62 Majin Power Deflection $0.36
63 Majin Power Drill sold out
64 Majin Power Shift $0.36
65 Majin Pui Pui (level 1)-Profile $0.49
66 Majin Pui Pui , the Henchman (level 2)-Profile $2.79
67 Majin Babidi (level 1)-Profile sold out
68 Majin Vegeta's Frantic Attack sold out
69 Majin Vegeta's Powerful Drill   sold out
70 Majin Yakon (level 1)-Profile sold out
71 Majin Yakon, the Monster (level 2)-Profile $0.32
72 Majin Babidi, the Wizard (level 2)-Profile sold out
73 Majin Dabura (level 1)-Profile sold out
74 Orange Critical Hit sold out
75 Orange High Block sold out
76 Orange Body Kick sold out
77 Orange Surprise Reaction sold out
78 Orange Temple Strike $0.36
79 Paper, Rock, Scissors sold out
80 Red Energy Outburst   sold out
81 Majin Dabura, King of Fighting (level 2)-Profile sold out
82 Red Air Kick $0.36
82 Red Air Kick Foil $2.89
83 Red Physical Drill sold out
83 Red Physical Drill Foil $2.89
84 Splash Damage Drill $0.36
85 Surprising Strength Drill $0.36
86 Red Tilted Punch sold out
87 Saiyan Chin Kick sold out
88 Saiyan Movement $0.36
89 Saiyan Aura Blast sold out
90 Saiyan Suspended Blast $0.36
91 Majin Vegeta's Rage sold out
92 Videl, Tournament Ready (level 2)-Profile sold out
Rare Cards
93 Android 18, the Mom (level 2)-Profile $2.89
94 Majin Babidi's Power Extension $2.89
95 Black Pivot Kick $1.06
96 Blue Energy Dive $0.86
97 Daughter's Joy $0.86
98 Gohan, Energized (level 1)-Profile $2.99
99 Goku, the Legendary (level 5)-Profile   sold out
100 Hercule's Close Save $1.19
100 Hercule's Close Save Foil $1.99
101 Heroic Force $2.89
102 Initiative $2.49
103 M $2.79
104 Majin Pui Pui, the Flashy (level 3)-Profile $2.89
105 Majin Yakon, the Absorber (level 3)-Profile $2.89
106 Majin Babidi, the Evil Genius (level 3)-Profile $2.89
107 Orange Backstab $2.49
108 Red Face Slap sold out
109 Majin Dabura, Meditated (level 3)-Profile $2.89
110 Majin Quickness $0.86
111 Blue Trapped Strike $2.89
112 Heroic Sword Catch $0.99
113 Majin Vegeta, Uncontrollable (level 3)-Profile sold out
114 Majin Vegeta, the Malicious (level 4)-Profile sold out
115 Orange Rapid Attack $1.36
116 Red Energy Rings $1.36
117 Red Meditation Drill $2.79
118 Red Sniping Shot   sold out
119 Risky Maneuver $1.36
119 Risky Maneuver Alt.Foil $2.99
120 Saiyan Headshot $2.99
121 Supreme Kai, the Mentor $3.49
Ultra Rare Cards
122 Majin Vegeta (level 1) sold out
123 Majin Vegeta, the Malevolent (level 5) sold out

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Updated 02/13/2025

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