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    What happens if I place an order with preordered and non-preordered items in it?
      Shipping prices are calculated and charged for complete orders placed. If your order contains items that are currently unreleased or "preordered," your complete order will hold until all items in it are available. This is because the shipping price quoted and paid for was for a single shipment of goods, instead of two shipments.

      If you would prefer to have non-preordered items (items currently in stock) shipped out separately from unreleased items (preorder items), we would suggest placing two separate orders. By doing this, you will be charged for and pay for two separate shipments, receiving the items that we have in stock now, and receiving your preordered items when they become available.

      If you choose to place an order consisting of preordered and available products, the order will not ship until it can be fulfilled (until all items are released and available to ship).
    What does the date next to "pre-order" in the info line of an item mean?
      The date listed next to the "pre-order" in the info line of an item is the expected release date of that item as provided by the manufacturer of that item. This date is subject to change with or without notice. It should be noted that we have nothing to do with the actual release date of an item. Manufacturers will frequently push back a release date without notice; consequently, orders containing pre-order items may be held longer than initially expected and are not subject to any form of compensation when such delay is due to an external factor.
    How is priority for pre-order items determined?
      Orders that contain pre-order items will be processed when that pre-order comes in on a "first come, first serve" basis of when payment for an order was received. All orders containing a pre-order item will be filled before any new orders containing that item as a non pre-order item are filled.

      Shipping type is not a determining factor in the priority in which pre-orders are filled.

      Payment method is not a determining factor in the priority in which pre-orders are filled.
    Is my pre-order item subject to change in price?
      Once payment has been accepted for an order containing a pre-order item, the price of the item for that order will not change. If we receive a significant number of orders for a pre-order item and decide to raise the price you will not be charged an additional amount. If you decide to place a second order or add additional pre-order items after we have instituted a price raise, you must pay the new amount for any additional items you wish to order.

      Customer Service
      Our website is open 24 hours a day!
      Office hours M-F 9am-3pm C.S.T.

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